Chapter 3- Annabeth

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Annabeth was walking along the beach near her dad's house in California, thinking about that day's events.

She had planned to do the usual with her dad today, go to the beach, spend the day there, have a picnic, come back, watch a movie, and sleep. But when Annabeth entered his studying this morning, he looked quite flustered and worried.

"Dad? Whats up?" she asked.

"Huh? Oh, Annabeth! I'm afraid we can't do anything today. Chris just called. There's an emergency at work. I have to go. How about you go to the beach and spend the whole day there? You can catch the bus home then.Or rather, take the car. That'll be safer, won't it?"Her dad said, absent mindedly ."You can come back whenever you want. Then if I have time, we can watch our movie."

Annabeth just nodded, although she felt a twinge of annoyance. Wasn't this trip supposed to be for bonding. After a year of sailing in the Mediterranean, almost dying countless times, she'd called up her father. She'd hoped they'd spend time together, because it wasn't often that your daughter returned from back to hell. She was about to open her mouth and say that she'd rather stay at the house, maybe reading or talking to Percy, than at the beach, all alone, apart from one of the girls she'd met down at the beach-Lindsey. But then she thought the better of it, because her stepmother would be at home that day, and she'd pester her into going to the beach anyway. Although things had been looking up for them since she'd come home, both of them didn't always see eye to eye. But over the time, she'd come to realise that her step mother meant well.

So she just nodded dumbly to her dad and drove to the beach and set up her stuff - a blanket, an umbrella, her picnic basket, and her bag, which had her swimsuit. After that, she didn't know what to do. Maybe she could stare at the seagulls and pretend one of them was Percy.

When she came with her dad, she usually just lounged around, talking to her dad, never really paying attention to her surroundings. Her dad was with her, and that was enough. But today for the first time, she looked around.

Like a Californian beach, there were palm trees around. There was an old shop, called 'Hal's', where she and her dad bought their drinks. On the boardwalk, there were many shops and stalls, which was where usually the kids her age hung out.

After changing, she usually wore a robe to hide her bikini, because it still made her uncomfortable,along with a hat and sunglasses. All the other kids used to stare and laugh at her for covering herself up, but she didn't care. There was a girl, Lindsey, who was nice to her asked if she wanted to hang out together, but Annabeth wasn't leaving her dad on normal days.

Deciding that talking to seagulls as if they were your boyfriend would not help her make any friends here.not that she planned to make any, seeing as she wasn't even going to attend school here, but many people knew her father. Maybe she could try to mingle.

"Annabeth!" Lindsey, a short, tanned girl yelped. You're alone today! Wanna hang out?"

Lindsey had to be one of the nicest mortals, because Annabeth definitely wouldn't have had initiated a new kid into her group so randomly.

"Uh, sure!" Annabeth replied. Apart from Reyna, Piper and Hazel, Annabeth barely had any girl friends. Even with the ones she did have, they usually talked about serious stuff. Suddenly she felt self conscious. Would she be required to know all the hottest bands and male stars?

As it turned out, she did. Thankfully, Lindsey was a talker, so all Annabeth had to was chime in a yeah or an oh, totally somewhere and the conversation did not lull. It was getting hotter by the minute, so they decided to go for a swim. Annabeth removed her glasses, hat and robe and jumped in the water. Lindsay followed. They enjoyed the water and soon waded out, and went to the boardwalk. Annabeth and Lindsay went to the stalls, had a soda and enjoyed a picnic.

While they ate, Annabeth stared at the sea. It always reminded her of Percy's eyes. Fathomlessly unending. A couple of boys came over to talk to them. They politely asked if she would like to join them for a barbecue and a party later on. Annabeth politely declined.

Her new friend Lindsey let out a wail of outrage after the boys had grumpily departed.

"What did you do that for? They were hot!"

Annabeth rolled her eyes. Although Lindsey wasn't as gorgeous as her friends back home in the Aphrodite cabin, she sure was as superficial. Yet she knew she was being a hypocrite, because anybody with eyes could've seen how good Percy looked.

Annabeth often daydreamed about Percy, and she was doing just that when he first appeared. She opened her eyes to see him standing there in front of her, and Annabeth yelped. Was she going crazy? That wasn't Luke! Luke was dead. The person standing in front of her was obviously a doppelgänger.

"Annabeth," the boy frowned, "It's me! Luke!"

Or maybe not.

He looked almost the same. The same sandy hair. The same blue eyes. Except that he was a good two inches taller and that his scar, which used to run along his left cheek, was slowly fading.

"Look at you."he murmured." So pretty now. Of course, you were always very pretty. I was just a fool not to recognise it."

Aphrodite had to be playing a practical joke on her.

Annabeth took a step back. She was not a fool. This easily could have been a monster. But why did she have a strange feeling, the one she usually had when she saw Percy after a long period of time? After thirty seconds of pondering, diguised by a look of shock on her face, she accepted the fact that this person was indeed Luke.

Lindsey, next to her, had been offended so much by being ignored, that she had gotten up and left.

Annabeth was faintly aware of her leaving, and it was just her and Luke now. In her mind, the picture of Percy's sea green eyes was fading. But of course, that was because of ...heck, even she didn't know what was happening, but right at that time, her phone rang, and she jarred back to reality.

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