Chapter 18- Percy

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Percy was royally scared of how the reactions would be when he finally told them the truth.

All three of them leaned forward to hear the story, and Percy’s hands started shaking. He told them as precisely as he could. Him finding about a being a demigod when he was twelve, what and who demigods were, a short summary of all his adventures till he was sixteen, the fall of Kronos, him going missing, the Seven coming together, the quests on Argo 2, Tartarus, Gaea, everything. How his letter for Hogwarts had arrived and how he'd found out that he was a wizard on top of everything.

After he'd spouted out his story, he felt raw and vulnerable. All his secrets had been exposed to three kids he barely knew. It felt like the time after he'd returned from Tartarus. Empty, weak, and completely useless. He'd watched his friends take charge as he'd helplessly stood there. But he felt relieved. The secrets had bundled on him like a sack of flour, and Percy felt like a slave carrying them all around.

He didn't regret telling them anything. He was a half blood in the purest form, from both his mother's and his father's side. It was definitely unique and something never seen before. 

Their expressions were exactly as he had expected. They stared at him gormlessly, trying to figure out if he was joking or not. Ron opened and closed his mouth constantly like a fish, as if he kept forgetting was he was about to say. Hermione was just mystified and intrigued, and Harry shifted his glasses back up to his nose repeatedly, looking nervous.

Finally, Ron spoke. "I think you're nuts, but I believe you."

"That doesn't make sense."

"None of you just said makes sense. Wizards, I can understand. But gods? Gods? That's mad, mate. Raving mad. But I still believe you, because you don't look mad to me, and I can tell your'e not joking."

"It's amazing!" Hermione spoke up. "The existence of another group of unnatural people shocks you Ron, is because you grew up in a wizard family. You thought you'd seen everything, but you clearly hadn't. Harry and I, we were shocked when we found out we were wizards, but if wizards can exist, why can't gods? Why can't every unnatural and untrue myth be real? There's probably something about them in the library. Percy can't be the only wizard demigod in history. Wizards are very largely spread out, and a wizard who might have met a god anytime in the past ages might have had a child with them."

"That's impossible!"

"It's improbable," Hermione corrected. "But it can definitely happen. Percy is living truth of this. What do you think, Harry?"

Harry who had been silent all this while, staring at his shoes, looked up with a serious expression.

"I believe it for sure. And Percy," he turned to him. "Now that we're cousins, I guess I can trust you completely now. I had my doubts before, but..."

"Hey, I get it. I would have doubts too if I saw an amazingly amazing boy walk into my school in the last year, wanting to study seven years of syllabus in ten months."

"Amazingly amazing?" Hermione asked, with a small smile on her face.

"Of course. Now who wants to see an Iris Message?"


It was almost midnight when they sneaked out of the Griffindor common room. Everybody had gone to sleep, and after Harry checked his Marauder's Map thrice, the boys had signalled Hermione to meet them in the common room through a bunch of fake gold Galleons.

Five minutes later, they were all dressed and sneaking out of the portrait hole. They knew they couldn't Iris Message somebody in public in front of everyone, and they needed a rainbow. Ron had suggested coming to the prefect bathroom at night, as they did have a bubble dispenser, and could easily create a rainbow there out of artificial light there. 

Percy Jackson-A Wizard ( Percy Jackson Harry Potter fanfic) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now