Chapter 15- Percy

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Percy wasn't sure whether he should go in or not. Had he been the only one there, he would not have had gone so rashly without informing anybody. But Harry was there, and he stepped into the darkness firmly. The dragon snored loudly behind them.

If Harry's going in, he thought, I might as well.

He stepped in to see something he wasn't expecting to see. The room was tiny, and unlike the previous one, which had only small lights, here there was no source of illumination except from a fountain, which glowed blue like the sign had.

Harry looked around to check for any creatures or monsters. Nothing.

Everything feels like a trap.

Percy stepped to examine the fountain. It was made of mosaic tiles, and although water was still flowing, it looked dirty and brown. The blue glow seemed to be the only thing making it seem threatening.

"A fountain?" Harry asked, confused. "How is it still running?"

"Magic, duh."

Harry rolled his eyes and examined the room. The fountain seemed to be the only thing in there, and the walls were simple and bare. No eagles crashing into each other.

Please deposit one drachma.

Both of them jumped. Percy could not believe it. It sounded like a collect IM, coming from the fountain. Except, unlike a normal Iris Message, which dissappeared after some time, this did not. The voice sounded weary and tired, as if it'd gotten bored of saying the same thing again and agin for eons, not ever getting a drachma to spout out its intended message. If only he had a drachma...

Percy realised with a jolt, that when he had gotten dressed, he had worn his old jeans instead of Hogwarts robes. He fished out a drachma from his pocket, something he always kept for emergencies.

Please deposit one drachma, the voice said again.

Harry's eyes widened. "What is that?"

"A Drachma." Percy moved forward to the fountain and tossed the gold coin. "Oh Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, accept this offering. Show me my message."

Immediately, the water flowing through the fountains turned clean, as if he'd thrown in a sanddollar in instead. A rainbow rose out of the fountain, and the room was illuminated. Then a scene formed.

It was the story of the Oracle. Percy and Harry watched, dumbstruck, as they saw Zeus, wearing his robes, sitting on his throne, with his head in his face, pondering over something. He looked very curious, and suddenly he said, "Hera."

Hera appeared at his side and bowed. "My lord."

"Get up. I have a question. Where would the centre of the world be?"

Hera smiled, looking amused. "I think Athena would be better suited to answer your question. Or if you do not wish to consult her, then maybe Odysseus or Deadalus..."

"I asked you," Zeus snapped. "Reply."

"I am no Goddess of Wisdom, I told you, my Lord. I do not know. Maybe you could find out."

Zeus' face scrunched up in confusion, the way Percy's did when he was giving a Math exam.

"Prepare two eagles, make sure they fly at exactly the same speed. We will find out soon enough."

The scene dissolved and a new one came up. Some workers were making a structure in the place where the eagles had fallen. They were carrying several blocks, and from the scene, Percy could tell that it was going to be magnificent by Ancient Greek standards, where the tallest building was five stories high.

Percy Jackson-A Wizard ( Percy Jackson Harry Potter fanfic) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now