Chapter 16- Harry

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"Angela Kent." Harry read off his list.

Angela, a tall, stocky girl got up and swung her leg around her broomstick.

The sun was beating high, and everybody was sweating through their Quidditch clothes. Harry would not have chosen such a day for tryouts, but he had no choice.

After what Professor McGonagall had announced yesterday about the Triwizard tournament behind reinstated, and the Quidditch season being preponed, he had to keep tryouts immediately.

Angela flew around the field thrice, dodging bludgers, quaffle in her hand, and scored a very difficult goal.

Harry had to assemble a team as soon as possible. He already had Ron in mind for keeper, and Demelza Robbins and Ginny for Chasers. But he still had to find a third chaser and two beaters, since the previous two had not even turned up for tryouts.

Nevertheless, there had been plenty of students trying out his year too, and he wouldn't have a problem finding new players.

The Triwizard Tournament had been brought back, and everybody had been asking Harry about it. The moment it had been announced, Harry knew that, whatever happened, he wasn't going to take part. There had been too many bad memories of the previous one, too many feelings he'd tried to suppress.

In the common room yesterday, after Percy had gone to bed, everybody had said that he'd be a good candidate for the Tournament.


No matter how much he tried to deny it, the boy scared him. The thing he'd done with the Latin, the touching of the stone and the wall opening, having that mysterious drachma... Who was he?

He'd told Ron and Hermione about what had happened last night, and their reactions were what he had expected. Hermione said that she'd go to the library immediately after tryouts, and Ron said that he'd sent a letter to his father asking for advice.

Harry called the next name off the list. For the first time, he wasn't really paying attention to Quidditch.

He looked to the stands, where Hermione and Percy were sitting, watching the tryouts. Percy had immediately declined trying out, because he said that he didn't suit well in the sky. Both of them seemed to be discussing something.

Harry hoped that Hermione would manage to learn something from Percy, about his past, about his abilities... anything.

He knew that Percy meant well, but Harry couldn't trust him till he knew who he was. Why was Hogwarts having him here in his last year. He would have to be awfully smart to finish seven years worth of learning in one year.

As the sun starting to go down and the evening approached, Harry finally finished tryouts. By the time he was ready to announce the results, almost the entire Griffindor house had arrived, with many Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and even some Slytherins.   

Ron had made it back as a keeper with a terrific tryout, and so had Ginny and Demelza Robbins. The third chaser had been Angela Kent, who's tryouts had been pretty good. Finally, the two beaters were Golia Yard and Winston Higgins, both third years who'd done quite well.

By the time everyone in the Quidditch pitch was leaving, it was almost five in the evening. Everybody changed and met in the common room, where Percy and Hermione still seemed to be discussing something. Hermione had that fascinated, dreamy look in her eyes, the one she had everytime she saw new books or any sort of learning resources.

Ron came over to Harry with a butterbeer and handed it to him. He gazed at Hermione and Percy, who were now speaking in hushed tones.

"I sincerely hope for the sake of that bloke that he tells her something about his past," Ron said disdainfully. "She shooed me away when I tried to give her a butterbeer. They're talking about something very important, by the looks of it."

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