Chapter 4- Annabeth

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It was Percy. Of course it was Percy. Who else knew that she had her phone with her in California, except for Chiron, but he would never call unless it was an emergency. But it was an emergency. Luke was back. Luke. The guy who she had crushed on since she was seven, until of course she had met Percy. She mentally cursed herself for thinking something so superficial at such a crucial time.

He was standing right in front of her. Staring at her face face intently while she excused herself. She went a little far and and picked up her phone.

"Hello?" Percy said." Annabeth?"

"Hey Percy." she said breathlessly, maybe because she was feeling a little guilty about Luke being about ten metres away. But then again, she felt breathless every time Percy called.

She wondered if she should tell him. Of course she should. Percy was her boyfriend. Besides, this was important information.

"How are you? Enjoying San Francisco?"


She shouldn't tell him. He would get too worked up.

"Annie, is anything wrong? You sound low today."

How sweet of him too ask. He deserved to know.

"Nothing big. Its just that dad's working today and I'm at the beach alone so I'm getting bored." Half truth.

She couldn't bring herself to do it. But she had to.

"Oh. Well, anyways, I've shifted to my mom's yesterday, and I'm just doing late spring cleaning here, so I thought I'll give you a call."

He's helping his mom. Aww. He should know, and that's final. Except, just not now. Annabeth would just tell Percy later. It wasn't that big of news right? Just her ex crush meeting her suddenly at a beach scaring her to death was not much of a big deal right?

"That's really nice. Listen, could I call you later? I'm a little busy now. Dad's calling for ice cream."

"I thought you came alone." Percy sounded quite taken aback.

Annabeth silently cursed herself. What was happening to her?

"I know. He's calling from home. I have a call waiting. He probably wants to have ice cream back home."

"Oh. Okay. I'll talk to you later. And Wise Girl?"

"Yeah?" Her heart thumped, the way it did every time he called her that.

"Whatever you're so worried about, it'll work out. You can tell me the truth later, but don't stress, you'll come through. You always do." With that, Percy hung up. Her heartstrings plucked. He was the best boyfriend she could ask for.

And she was probably the worst girlfriend ever. She deserved Tartarus. Again. Okay, that was an exaggeration, but only slight.

She walked over to Luke and asked straight,"What are you doing here?"

Luke grinned, "How about first we go to your dad, who's calling you for ice creams, then talk?"

Don't punch him, she silently thought. Don't.

"Fine." Annabeth muttered, irritated. He had been here about five minutes, and was already getting to her nerves.

Annabeth took her dad's car to go home. She was well aware of the fact that Luke was sitting next to her, not even trying to hide the fact that he was staring.

"So," Luke said, obviously trying to make small talk, " You and Jackson are....."

"Together." Annabeth confirmed. Just in case he was wondering, which he was, since there was a glimmer of disappointment on his face, but he quickly hid it.

"Since when?"

"Last to last August."

"After the war?"


"I always thought you would make a good team." To say that Annabeth was surprised was an understatement. She almost crashed the car.

Luke chuckled."Calm down."

"Yeah. But, you really mean it? What you just said?"

Of course he didn't,but she wanted to hear him lie anyway.

"Of course."

"Well thanks." They rode in silence after that.


After reaching, her parents had happily welcomed Luke, given him chocochip cookies and yes, ice cream, but most surprisingly, given them privacy in Annabeth's room. After about an hour's talking, Annabeth knew what she pretty much needed to know.

When Luke had finally decided to leave, she was glad. She couldn't stand to be around him at the moment. He got up, walked towards her, said bye, and then he just leaned forward and kissed her.

Yes. He kissed her.

Till the age of about for about fourteen, Annabeth had expected to be overjoyed if something like this ever happened. But now she felt nothing but rage. She pushed Luke off her, who looked at her in confusion.

"C'mon Annabeth", He said." Don't tell me you've never wanted this."

"Actually, I have," she said, pleased to say something completely truthfully, "but never after I was fourteen."

What was the competition? The boy of her dreams, who had literally been back and through to hell for her, and a boy who had betrayed her? Annabeth needed someone. She needed Percy. She went to find a coin to Iris Message him and tell him about Luke. Not about the kiss though, that would be a secret between her and Luke. Also, Percy would almost tear Luke apart.

But she had a few other things on her mind. She needed to get back to New York.

Percy Jackson-A Wizard ( Percy Jackson Harry Potter fanfic) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now