Chapter 7- Percy

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Guys, I'm terrible. I know. My exams are going on but I felt so guilty I decided to upload. after exams, I promise you guys I'm writing at least 5 chapters within two weeks and posting them.

Anyway, read on...

Btw, I've decided that in going to keep only Percy's POV except for a few times.



"Woah," Percy said, as his mom had finished tapping the bricks above the small room in a particular manner, and an archway opened up to reveal a whole street. "This is seriously cool."

Percy had never seen anything like Diagon Alley before. When his mother had 'apparated' him to London, the first thing they had visited was The Leaky Cauldron. The guy called Tom had given them rooms, and Percy had dumped all his stuff in the rooms.

"Now what?" He had asked his mother.

Sally smiled slyly. "Now for your books and other equipment. You won't need much. You're only going to Hogwarts for a year."

"Why only a year?"

"Because you're one of a kind. Half demigod, with one of the most powerful Gods as your father. And half wizard. It also helps that you're descended from Ignotus Peverell."

Percy decided that so many names were going to be hard to keep up with.

"Igno who?"

His mother gave him a look before continuing, "There is special blood running through your veins. You have already mastered in learning the gifts of your father. Now it's time for you to learn the skills from my side. You only need one year, because you will progress much faster than others. Haven't you ever wondered why your Dyslexia and ADHD was extreme even for a half-blood?"

Percy had wondered that, multiple times.

"It's because you are also tuned in to learn the magic of wizards." His mother continued, "The books we'll be buying are written specially for you, in Ancient Greek, since that is the only language you can read. Your brain will be seven times faster than the others when it comes to wizarding magic."

He didn't think that he had a learning capacity of an average kid, much less being seven times faster, but Percy still received a whole lecture of half an hour before they went down to Diagon Alley.

And to say that Diagon Alley was interesting was an understatement.

The colors glaring at him were dazzling and everywhere he looked, a wacky shop was present. Flourish and Blotts. Eeylops Owl Emporium. Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions

And... Gringotts.

It was a huge building with a few strange creatures standing around. It wasn't so much tall, but Percy could see by the foundations that it was underground. A sign about thieves hung near the entrance.

"Those are goblins." his mother explained. "Gringotts is run by them."

They went into Gringotts. Percy looked around the huge room, before realizing he was in a bank. His mother went straight ahead to a desk where a goblin was sitting.

"Yes?" he asked.

His mother just removed a key from her robes and gave it to him.

The goblin took the key and examined it, before his eyes widened. He looked at Percy's mother with an expression of what Percy realized, was recognition.

Percy Jackson-A Wizard ( Percy Jackson Harry Potter fanfic) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now