Author's Note

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Just five minutes ago I was scanning through my profile when I realized that I haven't updated in two whole months. Two freaking months. I cannot believe myself. I am living with the guilt of procrastination at the moment. I'm very sory for those who were hoping for an update, but I can't help it since I've been too busy writing my new teenfic which I'm going to post in the end of summer. I've been super busy with writing the chapter plans and summaries and creating covers and all that I haven't exactly paid attention to PJAW. So I have coome up with a solution. Putting the story on hold till the end of summer. That's all I can think about. I am sooo sorry for doing this.

PS I'm putting up the introduction and prologue of the story now so pleeeaaase read it.

UPDATE: As someone who's editing the book ages after I actually wrote it, trying not to cringe so hard on every line, this book is sure cringe worthy.

Percy Jackson-A Wizard ( Percy Jackson Harry Potter fanfic) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now