"Go on get out of here." she said as Bailey let go of her guy and he left with his friend. Warren was still holding the last guy by the collar of his shirt and staring him down.

"Leroy are you alright?" George asked as she and Bailey helped him up.

"It doesn't hurt." He replied, "I can't feel anything. Not used to that yet."

"Well hang in there, this mess will be over soon." George said as Bailey brushed the dirt off the back of his shirt.

"This is all your fault." The guy Warren had a firm grip on said, "You said they were just like us only dead. Now they want our brains. Well just let them try. I'll kill'em all I swear I will."

"I don't want your brain." Leroy said.

"Probably aren't any in that head anyway." Bailey scoffed and Leroy gave her an appreciative look.

"Somebody's gonna get an ass whooping if you don't stop talking." Warren threatened the guy.

"No, no, no, let him go." George said stepping over and putting her hand on Warren's shoulder.


"Let him go." She said before turning to the guy, "Get out of here. Go home. Your family needs you." Her words seemed to have some effect on the guy and he turned and walked away.

"Why'd we let him go?" Warren asked.

"I recognized him. His brother was one of the delegates killed today."

"Damn." Warren muttered under her breath.


Warren gently grabbed Bailey by the arm and brought her with them as they walked through Altura. She didn't say anything to Bailey, she didn't have to, Bailey could tell by the look in Warren's eyes she was making a plan. As they walked they picked up Doc and CZ along with 10K and Sarge.

"Looks like we got the gang back together." Doc said with a smile turning to Bailey while Warren whispered urgently to the others filling them in on her plan. Whatever it was Bailey would go along with, she knew following Warren could be dangerous but she trusted that woman to do the right thing. Finally Warren led them to where the patched hole in the fence was.

"Alright, right there where it's repaired." Warren said to CZ who started cutting away at the replacement on the fence.

"Somebody's coming." Sarge said before turning her gun on Doc, Warren and the rest of them and 10K did the same, "Stop right there!"

"What's going on? Why aren't you at your posts?" Colonel Keeler asked coming onto the scene.

"We caught them at the fence." Sarge said as Keeler walked between her and 10K.

"Get away from there. I told you -" he said but a second later 10K stepped forward and knocked him out with the butt of his rifle.

"Was that necessary?" George asked.

"Probably." CZ said returning to cutting the fence.

"Doc and Citizen Z, we're taking George to Pacifica." Warren said, "10K you Sarge and Bailey find Sun Mei and Red and you join us as soon as you can. We're gonna need you."

"Here take this." Sarge said passing Warren her gun and the three of them left to carry out what Warren said.

" Sarge said passing Warren her gun and the three of them left to carry out what Warren said

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Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now