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"lee jeno!"

jeno really thought he was having the worst nightmare that night.

never ever had someone shook his body that aggressively in order to wake him up. that person shook him like he had been holding it for so long, and jenos swore he was about to get himself on the floor if that person shook him once again.

"what do you want, its past bedtime!" jeno pushed that person away and wrapped the blanket around him, signing that he didnt want any disturbing sounds of moves when he was sleeping.

but that person was stubborn as hell.

"wake up!!!!"

he whispered as he shook jeno's body even more aggressively, making jeno immediately sat up with a harsh groan.

he just wanted to have a peaceful sleep, thats it.

jeno sighed in frustration before he threw his plushie at the person who woke him up, but that person just grabbed it nicely like it was nothing.

"what's wrong with you? its...."

he looked at the clock.

"....its 2am! why are you waking me up at 2am?!"

"shhhhh" the boy puts his finger at his own lips before he took a seat on jeno bed. after that, he took out a box that seemed familiar to jeno.


the boy opened the boy on his lap, which made jeno opened his eyes wide. as if his sleepiness has gone away from him for the whole night.

"m...my toy figure!"

jeno immediately grabbed it, making the boy scoffed since he wanted to make a 'show' before jeno having it back.

"y...you found it!" jeno couldn't control his own voice, making the boy infront of him smacked him with a pillow.

"quiet down! anyways... i didnt find it"


"i stole it"

jeno dropped his jaw when he heard that.

"you stole it?"

"from the chewing gum man" the boy infront of him checked his nails sassily before he took jeno's toy figure from his hands.

"you steal stuffs?" jeno widened his eyes, making the boy scoffed in annoyance.

"hello, im the one who took your favourite boy back to you. i risked myself to go into chewing gum man's office for this, and you wanna call me a stealer for that?"

"whoa... alright, i get it... sorry, donghyuck." jeno puts his hand on donghyuck's shoulder before he grabbed his toy figure again.

donghyuck pouted his lips in annoyance, before he look at the happy jeno who just got his toy back.

"you know..." donghyuck started opening his mouth as jeno looked at him.


"some people do bad things with good intentions"

donghyuck's words made jeno stunned for a few seconds.

his words were so sincere, jeno could feel it.

"well..." jeno smiled.

"you just wanted me to call you a nice boy"

donghyuck chuckled.

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