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!!make sure you listen to this song 👆🏻 while reading this chapter for more experience!!

"i swear in my whole life, jeno. if your theory is wrong and the first thing that will happen when we step into haechan's house is getting killed, im going yo kill you" renjun nagged as he grabbed his car key. jeno just shrugged before he turned to jaemin who was putting a jacket on seulbyul.

"you can't do that though, we are already dead. and you can't swear your whole life, because part of you are doubting that this is real."

sometimes, renjun wished that he had never met jeno.

he put on his shoes, sighed at the rain pouring as he knew that he's going to get wet anytime soon. he just bought these shoes, though. he just wanna look cool during arresting haechan, and probably mark.

because when he did that 2 years ago, it was a mess.

"you need to stay warm" jaemin zipped up seulbyul's jacket, as seulbyul just nodded and put on her shoes. she didn't care less, all she wanted was to meet haechan, thats it.

and jeno, he just watched at how jaemin treated seulbyul. the way he touched her like she's the most fragile thing ever existed to him, the way he talked to her as if she's going to disappear again anytime from now, every single thing that jaemin did about her.

jaemin knew that seulbyul still loved haechan, but deep inside he just pretended that he didn't know at all, and just live his life in his dream.

jeno couldn't do anything about it, so he just watch the drama and chuckled when seulbyul didn't even treat jaemin like how he treated her. that's not fair at all, but still, feelings can't be forced.

"so, are we ready?"

"tch, we aren't going for a war" jeno shoved his hands into his pocket as entered the car.

"hopefully." that was renjun's reply.

renjun started the engine, and he drove away from house.

on a stupid misson which was rescuing a serial killer who is going to get killed by a mystery person being theorized as the bad one.

life's cool, totally.

"just give up, haechan"

a kick.

a punch.

two punches.

haechan tried to dodge it, but he cant dodge everything. plus, he can't fight 8 people at once.

mark was being a coward, why didn't he just fight alone?

if he really wanted to kill him that bad, its not that he didn't have a gun in his pocket. just take it out and shoot him at the head. what's the problem when he can just take this killing matter easy and quick?

to make him feel pain? to make him experience what pain was?

haechan chuckled as he dodge another punch.

he had enough with pain.

"so you're fucking telling me that you don't know where is his house?" renjun raised his voice, starting to get frustrated at seulbyul who didn't remember a thing.

"why are you so idiot, oh god...."

"just drive, renjun. this neighborhood isnt that big. if haechan and seulbyul can come to our old house by walking, its not going be that far" jeno glared at renjun who was rubbing his temple. when will that guy control his anger, for real?

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