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one step, two steps.

lim seulbyul took a glance at her watch, before a sigh escaped her lips. she quickened her pace, trying to push away people who are standing in her way.

she was late to pick up naeun from her class.

this was the first time she being so late, and it was all jaemin's fault for not giving her a ride. he called up for a meeting and ended it late, plus her car wouldnt get started so it was a bad day for her as well. she was worried if naeun went somewhere or worse, getting kidnapped.

naeun was her niece, a daughter from her late sister who was murderer six months ago. the polices cant trace the murderer, they cant find out who killed her sister, and decided to close the case three months after.

her sister's husband? disappeared from her life at the moment her sister died.

one of the police was her best friend, huang renjun. he had done a lot to find out who was it, but he just cant find any clue. everything was unsolvable, it was just possible to find any solutions for this case.

without knowing it, she reached the place where naeun had her classes,

martial arts class.

naeun, a 6 years old girl, attended martial arts class. she was totally interested with this kind of things, and she couldnt stop her from doing what she likes. she grew up being so strong, and a kind soul.

"hey, im here to pick up naeun" seulbyul smiled at naeun's teacher. she was smiling, but immediately faded it when the teacher gave her a kunfused look.

"naeun had left with a guy 30 minutes ago"

seulbyul widened her eyes in disbelief, her jaw dropped as she tried to say something but her words wouldnt come out from her mouth.


"naeun seems to know her, thats why we let her go" the teacher said, started to feel guilty.

"is it renjun?"

"no, he's a little bit taller"

"jaemin? jeno? jisung? chenle?"

"no, i never saw him before"

the teacher's words made her heart stopped beating. who would she let her go that easily? she knew, no other people would come and pick naeun up unless the person was herself, or either her friends.

but.. who was it?

"t... that guy has melanin skin, he wears a black jacket and he seems like to know naeun as well"

"who could it be? naeun could never interact with a stranger!" seulbyul yelled, eyes sparkled in fear. she was worried, and she ws scared. naeun was the only family she had left, she cant imagine life without that smart kid.

"they went that way... tell me if she's really missing, im starting to feel so guilty" the teacher said, hands at her chest. seulbyul just nodded, before she look at the place the teacher pointed earlier.

the playground.

without saying thank you or goodbye, seulbyul ran towards the playground, her heart was beating so fastly. what would happen if naeun was kidnapped for real? she couldn't even imagine.

it took her two minutes to reach the playground. she stopped running, tried to catch her breath as she looked around. naeun really like playgrounds, she wouldnt be far, right?

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