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"take my hand"

but instead of taking his hand, seulbyul just stare at it. after that, her eyes moved to look at the person infront of her, trying to think that if her desicion was right.

after realizing that every desicion she made was stupid and childish.

she didn't know what happened, but a few hours after haechan asked her to runaway with him, which she refused,

he took a chair and broke the main window with it.

ignoring how shocked and kunfused seulbyul was, haechan just climbed through the window without even thinking to put some cloth in order to cover the glass,

which resulted his hand to bleed.

again, she had to witness blood for real.

even though it wasn't as much as what she saw two years ago,

it's still blood.

"take my hand...." he said, slowly, calmly, desperately.

what can seulbyul do anyway? can she refuse to take his hand?

can she afford hurting him again?

she didn't want this. she didn't want this at all. she was so stupid to leave jaemin and the others but there was something that she didn't know.

who is haechan actually?

and the guy he said dangerous?

what's the real reason behind this? does it has anything to do with her?

"... please?"


slowly, she took his bloody hand and climbed through the window. and before she could at least try to not touch any glass,

haechan scooped his other arm under her knees and lifted her up bridal style.

which resulted for her clothes to have blood stains on it.

but for some reason,

she wanted to cherish this moment. being held by haechan like this, like how she felt two years ago. the difference was during those times, only laughter and smile filled the atmosphere as they hold each other.

but this time, it was blood, sadness, pain, fear.

but still, being held closely like this,

she wanted to savor this moment.

and deep inside,

when she noticed the way haechan's eyes deeply staring at her as he hold her close,

she knew he was thinking the same thing as well.

"just like the first time i met you...." haechan spoke up softly.

".... you're so beautiful."

and it made seulbyul's heart became heavier to leave him.

they didn't take any rides.

they just walked.

with haechan's bloody hands holding hers, the walked along the street, ignoring the fear in people's eyes who walked or drove pass them.

even one of those people asked if they were okay, but haechan just tightening his grip onto her hand and pulled her away.

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