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'italy? what? why?.'


gia and i finally made it home last night and if i'm being honest, it didn't go as bad as i thought it would of been.

all amber and lezi talked about was mattia and i but i didn't question her on that.

right now, me and my mama were at a local café because she wanted to tel me something.

we ordered drinks and once we got them i took a sip of mine.

"oh you're such a child." my mother giggles as she watches me take a sip of my hot chocolate. i grin at her and lick my lips.

"so, what did you want to tell me?" i wonder and clap my hands together. i watch as my mama sighs and sets her cup down.

"your father called," she began. "he wants us to go to italy for two weeks because he needs to tell you something."

i bunch my eyebrows together, confused. "italy? what? why?"  i ask. "i thought papa worked in brazil."

"and he did, but with your fathers job he needs to move around a lot."

i nodded and sighed. "well, can't he just tell me over the phone? i mean, it hasn't stopped him other times so why is now different?"

"because what your father is going to tell you will change your life forever and you have no choice but to do what he says."

i give my mama a weirded out look and shrug. "okay then. when do we leave?"



i was in my bedroom packing. i had folded my clothes and were now putting them into the suitcase.

i think that a trip to italy would be good. it'd be great to just get away from things for once in a while.

suddenly, there was a knock at my window. i walked over to it and opened it only to see mattia. i smiled and watched as he stepped into my bedroom.

"anyone here?" he whispers and i shake me head. he smirks then grabs my thighs and lifts me up. i let out a shriek and feel him place me down on my bed and began to kiss my neck.

i let my mouth hang a bit as breathless moans left my mouth. i brung my hands to his hair and ran them through his black locks.

i felt as mattia's hands made their way under my jumper and travel right underneath my bra. soon after he felt me up a bit he turned his head to the side and saw my suitcase.

his eyebrows furrowed as he stood up and looked at me and then the bag.

"where are you going?" he asks and i sit up, leaning on my elbows.

"italy. my mama said my papa needs to 'tell me something that will change my life forever'." i quote her words and he nods.

"how long are you going for?" he wonders and comes to sit back on my bed but once he does he grabs my waist and pulls me to sit on top of him. i smile at him and sigh.

"two weeks," i answer. "which means i won't be able to speak to you."

i watch a grin spread onto mattia's lips as he reaches for his pocket and pulls out a phone.

"i bought a phone. i got alejandro's, kairi's and gia's number in it but yours," he began as he leaned upwards so his face was the same level as mine. his hand fell onto my neck and he pecked my lips. "i don't have your number."

i chuckle and grab his phone then put my number in his phone and hand it back to him.

he smirked then put his phone down and then he flipped us over so he was now on top of me and kissed me.

i quickly kissed back and brought my hands to the hem of his jumper. i pulled it over his head and he did the same to mine.

he was about to pull my pants down but i stopped him and flipped us around. i then unbuckled his trouser pants and pulled them down. he got the hint of what i was doing and handed me a bobble from my nightstand.


today was the day i was going to italy with my mama. mattia has gone home later that night because he had to deal with something with alejandro and kairi.

i was on the phone to fabiana since i had already said bye to gia and graziana.

"yes, i will be safe," i chuckle. "yep.. uh huh.. okay mother, love you, bye." i playfully roll my eyes and hang up.

gate four to italy, venice boarding now!

i sighed as me and my mama walked to the gate.


i was now on the plain sitting next to my mama and some guy. he was quite attractive. he looked around my age.

i was listening to music when i was tapped. i quickly look up and see the guy who was now offering me a sweet.

"uh, thanks." i smile and take one then putting it in my mouth.

"what's your name?" he asks.

"elora, you?"

"mason, nice to meet you. why're you going to italy ?" he wonders and takes another sweet.

"my papa wants to tell me something," i huff. "what about you? why're you going to italy?"

"my boss has called a meeting, says about someone joining the work business, i don't know who though." he answers and i nod.

a flight that i thought would drag and drag only turned out to feel like an hour flight.

blah blah mason has been introduced ayee
i didn't proofread either sos prey for mistakes

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