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'you can lay with me if you want to...'


i was so tired from earlier. i hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and it was now five pm.

i pulled up to my drive way and turned off my car. i got out and made my way to the front door while getting my keys out.

i was about to put the key in the keyhole but realized that the door was already open. my eyebrows scrunched together as my head turned to the side in confusion.

i was sure to locked it before i left this morning.

i hesitantly opened the door and walked through. i placed my bag down on the kitchen island and made my way to the living space where laughing was coming from.

i opened the door and saw mariano, antonio and three other men sitting around laughing.

mariano looked up at me in shock. it was like he didn't want me to find him there with these men.

one of them looked really buff and had a trail of tattoos going down his neck to his hands , where he had skeleton fingers tattooed onto his own fingers. he was holding a glass of whiskey.

another man had raven colored hair and deep brown eyes that were almost black and he had a very very scary face. it was like if you breath the wrong way he wouldn't think twice to hurt you.
he was wearing a dark blue tuxedo that looked a little to tight for him.

and another guy had brown braids that went down to his shoulders. he had caramel skin and a tear drop tattoo under his right eye. his eyes were cold and his jaw line was sharp. it looked like it could slice you.

"what's going on?" i ask as mariano stands up and walks me out of the room and was about to shut the door so they wouldn't hear our conversation but he said something to them.

"sorry guys, i'll be back in a minute i've just got to sort her out."

anger boiled right through me. he had to sort me out? what the fuck? this is my house why does he think it's okay for some random people to just take up the space.

"who the fuck are they?" i ask as i point to the closed door. "baby, i didn't know you were going to be home this early."

"what the fuck, mariano!" i almost yell. "they're in my house i deserve to know who they are!"

"babe, you know who antonio is." he raises a brow and i cross my arms across my chest. "of cource i know who antonio is! he's my bestfriends abusive ex!" i say but say 'abusive' a bit more louder so they could hear.

mariano rolls his eyes. "just go over to, gia's house okay?" i shake my head no and go to walk back into the room but his hand grabs my forearm and pulls me back. "please." he begs and i scoff.

"whatever, mariano." i run upstairs to get a bag and start packing for the night.

i then loudly stomped down the stairs and walked into the living space. "goodbye, mariano. i hope you and your lovely friends enjoy their time at my house." i sarcastically smile and then slam the door shut before walking out of the house.

i get into my car and begin driving to my best friends house.

i don't know who mariano thinks he is by bringing random men into my house without permission. it isn't even mariano's house. i just said that he could stay there while he was looking for a house.

i eventually pulled up at gias place and knocked on her front door. it didn't take long for her to answer but when she did she looked flustered.

"oh..hey elora, what's wrong?" she awkwardly smiled. i looked her up and down and noticed that she was wearing shorts and a pajama top.. that was on backwards.

i smirked and shook my head. "never mind," i then walk to my car again. "your tops on backwards by the way." i wink and watch as her cheeks become bright red.

"goodnight , gia." i grin and then drive away.

great. now where am i gonna go? i could try fabiana's place but she's most likely with kairi like usual. i would go to graziana since she doesn't live that far from the asylum but she's with her husband.

i sighed. i had no where to go.

but then an idea popped into my head. i could check on mattia and see how he is.

i don't know why i wanted to see him since i've practically seen him everyday but something was pulling me towards him. it was like something was telling me 'elora go and see mattia.'

i finally parked in the parking lot and locked my car before making my way through the building and to the elevator.

i pressed the floor number and the elevator slowly went up until the ding was heard and the doors opened.

i walked down the corridor till i got to mattia's room. i decided to knock incase he was asleep.

after i'd knocked i heard a groan and the bed moving around and the the door opened and i was faced with a sleepy mattia.

"sorry to bother you, mattia. can i come in?" i asked and he rolled his eyes and moved out of the way for me to walk in. "thank you."

"why are you here?" he harshly spoke and laid down on his bed and wrapped the covers around him.

"i-i have nowhere to go.." i answer truthfully and look down ashamed. my own fiancé told me to leave my house because he had friends over and i listens to him. of cource im going to feel ashamed.

"so you came to me?" he scoffs and then yawns. "don't you have a boyfriend or fiancé or whatever he is?"

i sighed and sat down at the end of his bed. i saw him shuffle uncontrollably.

"when i got home i saw that he had a couple guys over that looked really scary a-and he told me to leave." i begin to sob.

"why did he ask you to leave?"

"i don't even know." i shrug and wipe away a tear that had fallen. mattia sighed and the sat up.

"have you tried going to your friends houses?"

i nod. "but they're all busy with other people."

"you can spend the night if you want to." he offers and i thank him before getting up and sitting on his desk chair. "g-goodnight, mattia." i laid my head down on the table and tried to fall asleep.


it had been around twenty minutes and i couldn't fall asleep. i kept fidgeting because i was so uncomfortable. i kept groaning and i'm guessing mattia heard.

mattia huffed and i looked up at him. "could be a little bit more quieter? you're not the only one who needs sleep." he said and laid back down.

i laid my head back down and i groaned since i laid it down a bit to hard and knocked my head.

"oh for fucks sake," mattia stood up and walked over to me. he grabbed my arm and lifted my up from the seat and shoved me down in his bed. "shut the fuck up and sleep." he pointed at me.

i gulped and quickly nodded before closing my eyes but i then opened them wondering where mattia was.

i saw him sitting on the floor looking up at the ceiling.

i sighed and sat up. "you can lay with me if you want to..." i whispered and instantly regretted it because the fear of rejection and the fact that i have a boyfriend.

mattia smirked and then stood up. he walked over to me and crouched down so that his face was in front of my face. "are you sure about that , princess?" he asks and the nickname makes my stomach flutter. "i mean, i'm not sure if i can keep my hands to myself."

i roll my eyes. "just shut up and either get in the bed or lay on the floor."

he puts his hands up in defense and lays next to me. "good night, mi amor."

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