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'you like it? good. all you need to do now is find a date.'


"how does that feel?" papa asked as he pressed a bag of frozen peas on my ankle. i let out a sigh because it felt really nice.

"good." i nod and close my eyes then lean my head back on the sofa.

"what were you even doing at mattia's house?" papa asked and sat down next to me.

i opened my eyes and look at him. "i told sasha i'd get her money so she could go to the uk." i answered and he bunched his eyebrows together and balled his fists up then stood up.

"we have money here, amor. why would you go to the guy who left you for dead's house to get money?"

"that's the point papa!" i yell and sit up but make sure not to move my leg that's injured. "i took the money from him to get back at him! he hurt me so i took one of the things he loves most! money!"

my father sighed and placed his fingers at the top of his nose and looked down at the floor before looking back up at me.

"whatever." he shrugged.

"listen," i began and leaned back. "i know i shouldn't of done it but look at how much money i managed to get; forty nine thousand."

papas eyes widen and he looked over at the bag with the money in it.

"forty nine thousand dollars?"

i nodded and a smile plastered on his face.

"well done, hija." he opened the bag and grabbed a hand full of money. "when you give this to sasha, do not tell her anything about where you got it from. just tell her that i have a high paying job or something," he demanded as he put the money back. "do not mention anything about what your real job it. you hear me?"

i nodded and chuckled. "yes, papa. i hear you."



fucking hell! i can't believe she did that!

yeah! the fucking bitch!

no! she's not a bitch i just can't believe she did it!

kill her!

what? no! i can't do that!

yes you can mattia. kill HER!

no! no!

she doesn't love you! she'll never love you! she just took thousands of dollars from you! she betrayed you! kill the bitch!


"mattia?" i quickly look up from my desk and see hannah at my door. i huff and stand up.

"what!?" i yell and she flinches.

"a-are you okay? you-you were sweating and banging your fist on the table." she gulped and i chuckled evilly and shook my head.

"i have no idea why i hired you. you're just a piece of shit. you're shit at your job. i mean, you let someone break in and take thousands of dollars away from ME on your watch!"


"you don't deserve to address me with my first name!"

she nodded quickly before starting her sentence again. "mr polibio, i'm sorry... another soldier was talking to me a-and i didn't hear anything. the person that broke in must of been so skilled that nobody heard them."

i slowly nod and fold my arms across my chest. "get out of my sight."

hannah shook her head and quickly walked away.


the next day.


"elora?!" my father yelled as he walked up the stairs to my bedroom. i sat up and heard him knock on the door.

"come in."

he walks in and is holding something behind his back.

"in two days there is going to be a masquerade ball that every mafia has to attend. i've got your dress." he said and revealed the thing that was behind his back.

it was a beautiful dark blue dress with sequins on it and it had a slit down the side of it. my mouth falls open at the sight of it.

"whoa." i mutter under my breath.

"you like it? good. all you need to do now is find a date."

"like who?"

"anyone. i don't care. boy, girl as long as it's a date and they're fine with it."

i nod. "thanks , papa."

"it's okay, anything for you."

yup so who y'all thinking she gonna ask the the masquerade ball?

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