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'because he won't stop asking for you, elora.'


i woke up to the bright sunlight piercing through the blinds. it looked like it was going to be a good day out so that's great.

i yawned and rolled over to grab mariano but he wasn't there. i knitted my eyebrows together and opened my eyes and sat up to see and empty bed with only me in it.

i looked around the room and noticed that his watch, chain and favorite shoes that he always wore were gone.

we'd both booked a day off to spend some time together and now he isn't even here? weird

i huffed and took the covers off of me and opened my closet door. i took out a black top that was tight and a pair of high waisted denim jeans.

as i began to get changed i decided to call gia to see if she wanted to hang out.

"hey, gia," i spoke as i put my leg through the hole of the fabric. "hey, el, what's-up?" she asks. "do you want to hang out today ? maybe at the park?"

"i though you were having a day with mariano?" i shook my head. "i woke up and he wasn't there. his watch and chain that he wears everyday were gone and so were his shoes." i explained. "oh, well have you tried to call him?"

"no, but thanks for reminding me i'll do it in a minute." i told her and took my long t-shirt that i slept in off and changed my bra before putting the new top on. "let's meet up at the park and catch up. i haven't see you in ages."

gia soon agreed and said that she'd phone fabiana while i got ready.

i went into contacts and searched for mariano's name before pressing call and waiting for him to answer.


i ate some breakfast which was just some toast and grabbed my bag that would carry my phone and other things and headed out the door.

gia has texted me saying that her and fabiana would meet me at the park so i got in my car and began driving.


"hey guys," i waved as i saw two of my best friends sitting on a bench talking. "hey, elora, congrats." fabiana smiles and moves over on the bench so i have a space to sit. "i was just telling, fabiana about mariano." gia explained.

"did you phone him?" she asks and i nod. "what's he say?"

i sighed. "he just said that him and antonio had shit to do and that he's sorry for not telling me."

i was pretty upset that i didn't get to spend the day with mariano because we had the whole day planned. we were going to get ice cream, go bowling and later on in the evening go for dinner but now that he's with antonio we won't be able to do that.

"oh," gia frowns. i could tell she knew how i was feeling. antonio had done it before to her when they were dating. he'd done it way to many times but yet he was the one who always arranged to do something. "i know how you feel."

"hey, girls." somebody interrupted our conversation. we looked up in front of us and saw two beautiful girls. one was taller than the other and i mean a lot taller. she looked around 5"9 while the other one looked 5"2. "we're new in town and we were hoping to make some new friends."

"nice to meet you," gia grins. "i'm gia, that's fabiana and that's-"

"elora!" the tall one cuts gia off and she smiles creepily at me. i looked over at my friends and they had to same facial expression as me. freaked out.

"uh yeah," i awkwardly nodded. "h-how'd you know?" i stuttered in shock. i've never seen these girls in my life and for her to know my name was just weird.

the two girls eyes widened as they looked at each other trying to think on what to say. "uh- um- social media." the small girl answered and the tall one nodded. "y-yeah. social media."

"okay then, what're your names?" i ask. "i'm amber and this is lezi." the tall one introduces.

i smiled at the two. "nice to meet you. um you guys can take a seat if you want to?" i said pointing to a bench that was in front of us.

the girls grinned and sat down. "thanks." they said at the same time.

"no problem." fabiana mumbled.


it was around an hour later and we were getting to know each other. i found out that the two girls are from ohio and that their parents are best friends.

i was rudely interrupted by my phone buzzing, notifying me that somebody was calling me.

i looked down at the id and it read 'luke (njia)'

i sighed and excused myself and walked to a place where there was less people and it was more quieter.

my boss was ringing me.

the njia stood for 'new jersey insane asylum.' i kept that at the end of his name because if he ever called me and mariano was around he'd think i'm cheating on him or something and i do not want him thinking that.

"hello." i answered.

"hello, elora," he sounded scared.

"luke what's the matter?" i asked, worried.

"it's your patient. get here now! room two hundred and six! he's gone wild!"

i quickly hung up and almost ran back over to the girls and grabbed my bag. "i've got to go. it's an emergency at work," i explained and they all nodded. "i'll see you all soon."


i ran through the building doors and to the elevator where i pushed the button multiple times just to make it go faster.

i was worried. it was mattia's room. what could he be doing? why'd they need me?

all these questions running through my mind i didn't even realize i was already at the top floor.

i sighed trying to calm down before running all the way to mattia's room which was on its own at the end of the haul.

"oh thank god," my boss sighed as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "h-he's gone wild. he punched a staff member in his face causing his nose to bleed and almost knocked out another." luke panicked out of breath.

"why'd you call me?" i wonder as i walk closer to mattia's room.

"because he won't stop asking for you, elora."

okay so i updated the characters page and added amber and lezi so if you want to know their faceclaims just got to the chapter <3

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