Chapter 58

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The Funeral

It had already been a week since I arrived back home. Unfortunately for my dad I wasn't in the mood. I moped around the house and barely spoke. At night I would cry myself to sleep. Everything had changed even more within the span of a few hours last week

Today was Cedric's funeral. We may have not been great friends but he was always lovely to talk to when around. His overall personality was kind and heartwarming

My outfit for the day was obviously all black. I put on a frilly black dress with my matching boots. Also I had a black purse. My hair was let loose just tied back slightly. I left my make up since I was more likely going to cry

"Ophelia, Sirius is here" My father called from the kitchen

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"Ophelia, Sirius is here" My father called from the kitchen. As I left my room I heard faint talking. It seemed as if my father and uncle we actually having a decent conversation without me there. Perhaps I should break down more often and they'll get along

As I entered the kitchen I was greeted with sad smiles. I took a deep breath

"Let's do this I guess"

Sirius nodded as he stood up. He was dressed in a full black suit. After saying a goodbye to my father we made our way outside. We were joined by Remus who also wore black clothing

The three of us apparatus to Hogsmede. Me holding on to Sirius' arm. Once we landed both men turned to me watching my reaction to the travel. My insides felt slightly off

"Bloody hell" I mutter

"Not a good feeling?"

"It's fucking awful"

"Language" Remus muttered

"I really am sorry Remus" I dramatically reply

He sighed tutting to himself "Truly like Andromeda and Sirius...must run in the family"

I give him a look which Sirius also copies

"Is that a good or bad thing?" I question


We gape at him before beginning our walk up the castle. The funeral started at eleven and it was currently ten thirty. After what seems like forever in heels we reach the castle

Dumbledore greets us three showing us to a seat in the second row. The many rows behind us were for the school he said. We sat down and waited for the ceremony. I heard everyone come in but refused to look back until after

The two men took both my hands giving them identical squeezes reassuring me. After everyone had seated Dumbledore began from his chair on the platform

"Today we acknowledge a really terrible loss" He began rising up "Cedric Diggory was, as you all know exceptionally hard-working..infinitely fair-minded.and most importantly...a fierce, fierce friend"

He looked at us all

"Now I think therefore you have the right to know exactly how he died" He announced stepping closer "You see..Cedric Diggory was Lord Voldemort"

He paused

"The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so, I think, is an insult to his memory. Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me and reminds us that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events the bonds of friendship we have made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain"

Tears were silently rolling down my face

"You remember that and we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true right to the very end"

We all sat in silent as he finished the speech. I was silently crying. As people got up to move around to talk to friends I opened my bag. Inside I got a packet of tissues I thankfully brought. With one I wiped the tears of my cheeks

"You ok Bambi?" Sirius whispered

"Yeah" I sighed choking slightly on tears

The men stood up also helping me to stand. Bravely I walk over to Mr and Mrs Diggory

"Hello Mr and Mrs Diggory, you might remember me but I just want to say I'm so sorry. Yes you may have heard this already a hundred times but I just wanted to personally tell you" I said "Despite not knowing Cedric that well we still had moments together where we would talk and all I can say is you guys should be proud of him for everything he has done whether it be big or small"

The two adults wrapped me in a hug as we all silently cried

"Thank you dear" The woman replied wiping her eyes

"No problem"

They then excused themselves as I also returned to Sirius

"You okay?" He asks as I go to hug him

"Yeah..just sad..I guess"

"Well it's usual to feel like that at a funeral"

"I know it's just been while since I've had to grief someone" I sigh "Since mum died"

He rubs my back

"Lia" I hear a few cheery voices call. I turn to see my friends coming over

"Hey guys" I respond all taking them into hugs

"We miss you being around" They sigh

"Sorry...I'm just not in the right mindset to be at school"

"Of course" They kindly reply

"Just remember we're only an owl away" Hermione reminds me

"I know"

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