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╔═══════════════╗Chapter Fifteen ╚═══════════════╝

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Chapter Fifteen

December 25th blanketed on Hogwarts. Blazing fires roared around the castle whilst the snow sprinkled outside. The bitter outdoors juxtaposing to the warm indoors

All three girls, the two Gryffindors and Ravenclaw, soundlessly slept together in one dorm. It was insisted that Ophelia stayed in their dormitories so she didn't have to wake up on this festive day alone. In the end it turned into a mini sleepover with the three of them

Ginny was the first to wake up, the festive spirit springing into mind as soon as her mind registered the day. She quickly managed to shake Hermione's awake yet the second round didn't exactly work. She huffed as she was unable to wake the sleeping Ravenclaw

Her eyebrows raised as she headed back to her bed, contemplating on the best course of action. The girl outstretched her arms, standing like a cross before leaning forward. A groan escaped Ophelia's lips as Ginny dropped into her

"Bloody hell Ginny" She whined, stuffing her face under the pillow in attempts to fall asleep again

"Get up" Ginny huffed, grappling the pillow out of her grip. Meanwhile Ophelia turned her head to to look at the time, yet again groaning at the hand placements

"Gin it's bloody seven in the morning!"

"And?" Ginny questioned "Get your arse out of bed and put something comfortable on...come on sleepyhead"

"Fine" Ophelia eventually huffed, rolling out of the bed before pulling out a fresh set of clothes from her bag. She made her way into the bathroom where she quickly slipped on a pair of leggings and a hoody before tying her hair up to a messy bun

She exited the bathroom to find the two gone. A sigh and whine escaped her lips as she left the dorm, making her way down the spiral staircase. As she reached the bottom she was created with the sight of the girls and boys

"Took your time" Ginny comment, very quickly being mimicked by Ophelia

"Took you time" She repeated "No shit when you woke me up horribly, giving me a mini heart attack and knocking all the air out of my lungs, potentially of the break of killing me. So I'm sorry Ginerva Weasley that I took too long, but I was trying to get ready whilst fighting the ache in my bones"

"Merry Christmas" She grinned before earning a harsh glare from Ophelia. The brunette trudged over, dropping down into the empty spot on the sofa besides Harry. He sent her a warm smile which she easily mirrored

They all then began exchanging gifts to each other whilst opening ones from home. A joyous sensation filled the kids as they embraced the festive season. Large smiles dangled on their faces as they joked around with each other

Eventually when they had finished unwrapping all their gifts and had tidied away, the five collectively made their way down towards the great hall. As they entered they saw how the tables had been narrowed down to one, leaving only a few students on it as they quietly ate their breakfast. They took their seats, pilling food on their plates. Well until Hermione began scolding them for their meal choices

"You can't just eat chocolate for breakfast!"

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The day passed by leaving the kids stuffed from the endless amounts of food they had eaten. Plus the motion of their mouths having continuously said their seasonal greetings

Majority of their day had been spent in the Gryffindor Common Room. All five had sat by the fire as they played games such as wizards chess or simply enjoyed each other's company

"What does the Ravenclaw common room look like?" Ginny all of a sudden questioned, all head turned to the brunette

"It's astronomical" She grinned, her mind doing a quickly tour of the common room. Her eyes then saw their faces "No literally guys, it's astronomical"

"So it's space themed then?" Hermione clarified

"Well..."  Ophelia debated her head rocking to the side "We have a ceiling like the great hall but we also have globes and that in the common room"

"Can we see?" Ginny begged, not waiting for an answer before yanking her arm and pulling her along. She was dragged to the portrait entrance before turning around "Are you guys coming or not?"

The golden trio nodded before following them out into the quiet corridors. They made their way up towards the common room, having climbed up the stairs before coming face to the entrance

"If the end of the year is on December 31st then what is the end of Christmas?" The entrance questioned, its festive riddle waiting for them to answer

Ophelia replayed the riddle in her mind but was interrupted to Ron's whisper

"It's the 26th of December right?" He had whispered to the other two Gryffindors

"Wrong" The entrance announced, remaining in its place "If the end of the year is on December 31st then what is the end of Christmas?"

"If the end of the year is on December 31st then what is the end of Christmas?" Ophelia muttered under her breath "Oh 's'"

The entrance opened up revealing the common room. They stepped inside but three out of the four were confused with the answer

"How was it 'S'" Ron frowned, very much confused by the riddle

"It never said when, it asked what is the end of Christmas" She replied making Ginny role her eyes

"Bloody Ravenclaw"

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