Chapter 103

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Things had changed at Hogwarts once the twins left. The next few weeks were chaotic

People had started causing more mischief - using their abilities to causes mayhem around the school. The twins escape was practically becoming a legend, with people talking about it for days after. Both of them had also not left an instruction manual on how to clean the swamp that filled the corridor. Therefore it was closed off and Filch was set with the task of rowing children down the corridors

All the teachers refused to help Umbridge despite being able to fix the school with a flick of their wands. However they enjoyed watching the toad struggle. Furthermore everyone practically preformed a bubble head charm on their heads - including me - as dungbombs and stink pellets were now very popular

Filch also now carried a horse whip with him, ready to put any menacing kids in order. But this was failing as their were too many troublemakers at once. The inquisitorial squad was also attempting to help however it seemed as if stuff was also happening to them - Pansy suddenly grew antlers one day

As it had been several weeks the end of the Quidditch season had arrived. It was Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor. The match where I hate to take sides. Cheering made it even harder when Ginny was in fact now on the team

Today Luna was now showing Ravenclaw pride for the match. On her head perched a eagle which seemed to be very realistic. The two of us walked to the pitch taking a seat amongst our house mates. Minutes later the match commenced with Lee beginning his commentary

"And they're off!" Lee announced "And Davies takes the Quaffle immediately, Ravenclaw Captain Davies with the Quaffle, he dodges Johnson, he dodges Bell, he dodges Spinnet as well...he's going straight for goal! He's going to shoot-and-and" Lee swore very loudly "And he's scored"

We cheered as Ravenclaw took the first points. Slytherin also cheered along however they began singing their very favourite song

"Weasley cannot save a thing,
He cannot block a single ring..."

I watched the game however in the corner of my eye, I noticed Hermione and Harry sneakily disappear. My eyebrow raised as they left the match but I decided not to follow - I'll make them tell me later

The rest of the game continued and unfortunately Gryffindor started piling up points. Ron was now blocking a lot of our chasers attempts to score, with our house growing very frustrated. Even when our beaters attempted to legally attack the opposing players, nothing was happening

Eventually Ginny grabs the snitch causing Gryffindor to become victorious. They wanted the cup and began cheering plus adapting the song

Everyone in Ravenclaw and Slytherin immediately left the stands. Heading back towards the castle. We followed in pursuit attempting to look defeated after our loss

We walked up the slope and I saw Harry and Hermione standing there. The two were talking to each other intensely. All the Gryffindors were singing as they walked far behind up

"Weasley is our King,
Weasley is our King,
He didn't let the Quaffle in,
Weasley is our King..."

"And I wish they'd stop singing that stupid song" said Hermione miserably "haven't they gloated enough?"

"Listen to the words" I call out to them. Hermione doesn't understand so she just sighs

"Oh, let's get in before we have to meet the Slytherins"

"Weasley can save anything,
He never leaves a single ring,
That's why Gryffindors all sing:
Weasley is our King"

"Hermione..." Harry said slowly

"Weasley is our King,
Weasley is our King,
He didn't let the Quaffle in,
Weasley is our King..."

"No?" Hermione said in a hushed voice. I just grinned at their reactions

"YES!" Harry exclaimed loudly

"HARRY! HERMIONE!" yelled Ron, waving the silver Quidditch cup in the air and looking quite beside himself "WE DID IT! WE WON!"

They both beamed as the group of red and gold passed, heading into the entrance hall. The two watched him until he was out of sight

"We'll save our news till tomorrow, shall we?" said Harry

"Yes, all right" said Hermione wearily "I'm not in any hurry"

I just furrowed my eyebrows at them however they then started walking. Slowly I glanced to Luna. We both looked at each other and shrugged

"Oh well"

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