Chapter 23

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As we had gotten up and out the shrieking shack I realised that I'd twisted my ankle and probably broke my hand from the fall. Luckily Hermione helped me and we made our way down the steps and into the tunnel. Ron was being helped by Harry and Sirius where Lupin had gotten both Snape and Pettigrew's body floating it behind him

"So you were Padfoot this whole time?" I asked Sirius

"Ah yes" He said glancing back at me "Sorry I lied, but everything you told me I'll keep a secret"

"Thanks" Well that was reassuring especially since I told him quite a lot of personal information

I looked down to my wrist at the bracelet. I studied it a bit more before letting out a loud gasp startling everyone. They all turned to me making sure I was alright

"I know what the charms mean" I say smiling

"Well there you go" Sirius smiled "I got it hoping soon you'll know the truth and what they signify"

"Thanks a lot I really liked the gift"

"Don't worry" He said "Call it making up for missing thirteen of my nieces birthdays"

"What do the charms mean?" Hermione asked me as we all started walking again

"Well the paw is for Sirius, The moon must be for Professor Lupin since a werewolf connotes to a full moon . The stag is for James Potter and the Lily is I guess representing Lily" I told her motioning with my head at each charm since my other hand was around her neck as she assisted me walking "And I guess this necklace signifies my mother...The original and non traitor filled Marauders"

Yet again all of them stopped. I had just realised that we were outside

"What do you know about the Marauders?" Remus and Sirius questioned

"Well as I say I'm very 'observant' plus I was bored when you lot were shouting at the bastard floating over there. Moreover Sirius the name you used was Padfoot and that's one of the creators of the Marauders Map" I said at their shocked faces "Shouldn't take an idiot to realise there's a link"

"How do you know that Remus and James were Marauders?"

"Well who's nickname would be moony if it didn't have something to relate to the moon. Then there was prongs who I'm a hundred percent sure was James since his animagus in a stag but you were all close friends as well so yeah"

"Your a smart witch" Remus pointed out

"I know"

The all started laughing at my confident answer

- - -

Unfortunately I was now sitting in the Hospital Wing. My hand was wrapped and my leg was healing. When we'd arrived back up to the school it was like Dumbledore was expecting us all. He was a pretty sly git though. Due to Sirius still being known as a criminal, he had to go under Harry's invisibility cloak

Luckily the Ministry was called and they came to arrest Pettigrew and bring him to the dementors. As well as they were making paperwork to announce Sirius as a free man also getting statements from us all just to clarify

At first they were apprehensive because of our injuries but we blamed it all on Peter. He deserved it. We told them that when we were attempting to surround him I'd tripped on the uneven floor boards in the shack. Were as we had too make Ron's cause of the injury fake since Black was an unregistered Animagi. So we just said that Peter attacked him. Easy as

As I was sitting in the hospital bed I got the annoying urge to draw. Why now when I had no paper?

"Madam Pomfrey" I called out. The nurse turned to me

"Yes dear?"

"You don't by any chance have a spare piece of parchment and quill lying around do you?"

"May I ask why?"

"Just a little bored and I wanted to draw"

"Ok I'll be back in a second" She finished what she was doing and went back into her office to fetch what I wanted. After two minutes she came back handing it to me and going to check on Ron

When I put the ink to the paper my hand instantly started moving around. Obviously I didn't know what was happening as my mind and vision was blinded not letting me see my surroundings

Harry POV

I had been talking with Dumbledore in his office. Unfortunately I was the only teenager who wasn't harmed besides from Hermione. Lia and Ron were both injured in their leg. We sat in his office recalling what had happened and sending Pettigrew to Azkaban and giving Sirius his freedom

Even though it normally would be after hours we were escorted back down to the hospital wing personally by Dumbledore just in case a professor came questioning what was happening and saw Black. Moreover I think he wanted to talk to Ophelia about her now having more family. I felt happy for her. She deserved it. I remember her face in the shack when she'd discovered Sirius was her uncle

Talking of Ophelia when we arrived at the Hospital she was drawing to herself. She was in the same mindset as she was during that night on Halloween and the other times as well. Her eyes were slightly fogged. I watched as the group was going to go up to her before I blocked them

"Don't do anything" I told them

"What do you mean Harry we're only going up to her" Sirius questioned slightly irritated

"Don't disturb her when she's like that" I said nodding to her "She's going through one of her moments where she has to draw or paint"

"And how do you know this?"

"I've seen her like this before" I explained quickly "Her eyes and thoughts are fogged up so she doesn't know what's happening around her. You just have to wait for her to finish" They all hesitantly nodded grabbing stools or sitting on the bed watching her

It was about another half and hour till she finished

"How long have you guys been sitting here?" Ophelia asks slightly startled

"Ah you've awakened and to answer your question not long" Dumbledore said. After hearing that she relaxed a little

"Sorry though"

"What are you apologising for?"

"It's just you have to sit around waiting for me to finish something I cannot help"

"It's fine Ophelia" Sirius reassures her

"Now Miss Rayden I've come to ask what is your full name that your mother gave you?"

"Ophelia Rayden-Black"

"And did the name Black ever make you suspicious?"

"Well" She hesitated "Kinda but I never asked as my father refused to tell me anything" She admitted

"I see so you knew nothing about your mothers side"


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