Chapter 44

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Rita Skeeter and The First Task

Today was the 24th of November . It was the very first challenge in the tournament. Personally I was shitting myself. Harry had told me that the first task was dragons. I could tell he was nervous since neither of us had studied them. Therefore I sat with him in the library for a couple of hours researching these creatures. However at the same time we were limited as we actually didn't have a clue what the contestants were meant to do

Currently I was making my way down towards the first task. I was planning to sneak into the champions test to wish Harry and Cedric good luck

Shortly I made it to the champions tent. I carefully drew the curtain looking around. Quickly my eyes landed on Cedric who was sporting yellow and black. I wondered over to him

"Good luck Cedric" I gave him a quick hug

"Oh hey Ophelia, thanks" He replied "What are you doing down her?"

"I came to see you and Harry" I say "Have you seen him?"

"Over there" He nods across the tent I say a quick goodbye before hurrying over. I embrace Harry before he even notices me

"Wha...Hey Ophelia" He says a little startled

"Hey" I hug him "Just saying a quick good luck"


I gave him a kiss on the cheek "That's my good luck charm to you" Suddenly I hear the snap of a camera

"Aw what a beautiful couple"

"Who the fuck are you"

"Oooo and this one has a fiery attitude...write" a pen started scribbling the nonsense she said

"Who said you could write about me?" I glared

"I don't need permission"

"Yeah you fucking do your invading people's privacy"

"What a attitude the newspaper will love this!" She smirked

"WHAT THE HELL YOU BITCH" I shout. Harry holds me back from behind

"If anything goes wrong I'm sure you'll make the front page"

The other contestants start crowding

"You have no business here" Krum defends "This tent is for champion and friends" I give him an appreciated nod

"No matter we've got what we wanted" She smirks

"Be careful who you mess with bitch"

"And why is that" She sighs

"I'm sure my family won't mind coming to help me"

"Any why would I be scared"

"Because you're messing with a very old powerful family"

"And what family would that be"

"The Black Family"

She gasped but regained gained her composure "And who does that make you"

"Ophelia Black otherwise known as Mistress Black" I gave her a proper death glare

"I see" She starts walking to the side

The photographer takes a last photo of us us before following her

"Good day Champions" Dumbledore says as he enters the tent "Gather round please"

We all huddle into a circle "You've waited, You've wondered and at last the moment has arrived. A moment only four of you can fully appreciate" As he looks around he notices me standing near Harry

"What are you doing here Miss Rayden" He asks

"Well I was wishing everyone good luck until that horrible woman came in and started invading our privacy" I said harshly "But I guess I should be going, Good luck guys" I winked

- - -

Momentarily I made my way into the stands joining my friends

"Where have you been?" Hermione questions

"Wishing the contestants good luck" I hesitantly pause "And exploded at the stupid bitch back there"


"Rita Skeeter"

"Ophelia what did you do?" Ginny gasped "She's gonna start rumours"

"I'd like to see her try" I smile "Let's just say I gave her a good threaten"

"What did you do"

"Told her to watch who she's speaking to and told her I'm Mistress Black...Freaked her out at first"

"Are you going to use that every time someone stirs trouble"

"Only if it's severe plus might as well use what's available"

All of them shrugged until a canon blew

The first task has begun

- - -

Harry was the last contestant to go. All the other contestants had successfully managed to grab the golden egg from the dragon. Cedric had distracted the dragon by transfiguring a near by rock into a dog. However it didn't last long when the Swedish Short-Snout got bored and burnt half his face. Bless his admirers that loved his good looks

Next was Fleur who had the Welsh Green. She peacefully put the dragon to sleep but stupidly wore a skirt. The dragon then let out some flames that made her skirt catch fire. I savagely clapped when her skirt caught fire but Hermione grabbed my hands with a disapproving look. However Fleur did get the egg

After her was Krum he had a Chinese Fireball. Unfortunately he put a spell on the dragon causing it to go blind and smash all the eggs. Points were going to be deducted as the eggs were not supposed to be harmed. Yet like the others he got the egg

Lastly was Harry. He had a Hungarian Horntail. This was a quite vicious dragon. I watched as Harry had to keep ducking from his attacks. I couldn't help it but I was extremely nervous. That escalated when Harry summoned his broom and tried to fly around. Somehow the dragon broke free and chased him out the arena. This where we were now waiting for him to return

After about ten minutes Harry came whizzing back on his broom. Once the crowd saw him they immediately went crazy. Me and Hermione were screaming. The dragon however was no where to be seen. Harry dived on his slightly burning broom grabbing the golden egg

The judges announced the points leaving us to our school champions

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