Chapter 33

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Panic Back Home

Sirius POV

I had been sitting at home till I found out about the World Cup incident

Immediately I became worried as I knew Ophelia was there. To make sure she was alright I apparated to their house. When I walked in I saw a very pale Damien

"Damien are you alright?" I ask "Is Ophelia back yet?"

His face drops and his eyes are filled with fear

"She's not back?" I feared

He shakes his head. I think for a moment

"Who was she staying with again?"

"The Weasleys" He answers

"You stay here and I'll go check their house in case she's there" I tell the man "Do you have a fireplace?"

He motions to the back room

"See you soon"

I got in the fireplace and floo'd to the burrow

- - -

I came out of the flames to be greeted by several familiar faces

"Is Ophelia here?" I ask

They nod but Molly looks at me "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to make sure my niece is safe and not hurt!" I tell her "Where is she?"

They lead me to the living room where she's sitting on the floor surrounded by Harry, Hermione and who I think is Ginny.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask as she's sitting painting into her sketchbook

"Did she tell you about her moments?"

"What the ones where she has to paint?" I question

"Yeah" Harry says "She's having a really bad one"

Slowly I sit down in an armchair besides them. I look at her face. It's mixed with pain and panic. We all watch her for about another half an hour until she snaps out of her trance. She looks up panicking about her surroundings. Her face moves around the room until her eyes meet mine. Tears begin to coat her eyes

"Padfoot" She croaks and come crying into my arms

"Shh" I whisper

She sobs into my chest as I hold her tight. Her body was shivering with every tear. I leaned my cheek on her head and looked up to see everyone's saddened faces and they watch her cry. Eventually the sobbing dies down as her body seems to have lost all its energy. Fortunately she peacefully falls asleep. I stay with her in my arms and rock her

When I look up again I see the girls and Harry looking at her sketchbook

"What did she draw?" I ask making sure not to wake up Bambi

They look up at me before lifting up the page. On it is a rough shape of a person holding their head.

 On it is a rough shape of a person holding their head

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"What does it mean" Mr Weasley asks

"Her paintings have something to do with her emotions" Harry says

"Perhaps fear then" Ginny suggested

"Probably as she used the same colours like she did when you tried to get into the Gryffindor common room on Halloween" He said looking up at me when I furrowed my eyebrows

"Harry we were all in the great hall that night as well" Hermione insisted "How do you know?"

"Because she did a painting when you all were asleep and I watched her do it as she was in the same state she was in just now" We looked at him shocked but nodded

I got out my wand and sent a patronus message to her father just explaining that she's alright

To try change the mood set I created some conversation

"Apart from the attack how was the game?" I asked the kids even though I know Lia will repeat it to me again

"It was great, Lia did face paint for all of us" I look to see paint of their faces. Most of it on their faces was partially smudged

"And Ireland won" Hermione added

"Well you guys probably had a lot of fun"

"We did especially when we had girls night" Ginny said "That was the best"

"Yeah which we weren't invited to" Ron sulked

"I'm pretty sure your not a girl Ron" I chuckle at him

"I'm not but they were totally hiding something"

"Yeah food" Ginny laughs


Everyone shushes him and looks to Ophelia who had flinched in her sleep by the sound

"Don't wake her up Ron" Mrs Weasley hushes "Perhaps we should lay her in her bed"

I nod fixing Lia in my arms so I can stand up and carry her upstairs. Molly leads me up the stairs and into a room directing me to her bed. I lay her down. Mrs Weasley hands me a wipe to take off the face paint and her make up carefully while also removing the gems. One I'm finished I kiss her forehead before whispering

"Goodnight Bambi"

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