Chapter 20

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Padfoot and The Quidditch Cup

Two months had passed and April had begun. To all the quidditch fans the season was coming to an end. It seemed however this match was going to be thrilling. It was the most anticipated Gryffindor vs Slytherin. This match usually turned out brutal but it was entertaining. The Slytherins were always trying to cheat their way through earning themselves many penalties where as the Gryffindors only tried to score their points. I obviously was rooting for Gryffindor as the twins were playing as well as Harry

Lately though the girls have all been acting suspicious. Even Luna! Something was going on between them like they were planning something. I'm not going to lie it scared me a bit since I weren't in on it. Unfortunately though every time I attempt to ask they shut me down and made an excuse. Moreover I would see them eyeing me then they would move their eyes to Harry. These girls have gone mad

To distract myself I went to visit Padfoot. I know it was risky but I believe everyone is just going to hype up the game that is later on

I snuck out the castle and made my way down to the whomping willow. Aggressively I threw a rock at its roots to get it to stop. Then I quickly dove into the gap before it started moving again. As I did my usual walk to the house I then went up to the room

"Padfoot" I called

The black dog came from the corner and greeted me with a happy bark. I giggled as he ran around my legs

"It's nice to see you too" I said rubbing behind his ears making his tail wag

I went over and sat down on the floor with him joining me

"So how are you doing?" He let out a bark. We'd established when asking a yes or no/good or back question the positive choice was a bark where as the negative was a growl.

"Well that's good. Personally I'm alright but I keep getting suspicious with my friends" He tilted his head "Well they keep whispering to each other as if they're planning something"

"But never mind"

"Oh I wanna show you something"

I pulled out my wand and pointed it into the air

"Expecto Patronum" I muttered. My doe came pouncing out my want and around the room before jumping back into my wand. Padfoot then started barking playfully.

"See I managed to do it with the help of Luna!"

I talked to him a little longer about the patronus but then changed subject

"I wonder..I wonder" I whispered to myself. Padfoot looked at me with confusion in his eyes

"Don't worry i'm just confused still you see" I told him

"A few months ago now I talked to Professor Lupin. He questioned why I knew so much about werewolves and I told him but I also said I knew he was one as well. Then I told him about this dream I have sometimes" Padfoot's ears pricked up

"This dream was about my mother and I told him how there was a werewolf, a stag and then a man who turned into a dog. He admitted to being the werewolf but I'm still not sure who the others are as he wouldn't tell me" I sighed. A look of guilt flashed Padfoot's face

"Anyways it's the last match of quidditch today" I say changing the subject "Slytherin against Gryffindor for the house cup"

His tail started wagging playfully
"I think Gryffindor might win because Slytherin are just rule-breakers and cheats"

- - -

I remained there for another hour talking before I had to leave him and go to the game.

"Bye Padfoot I'll try come back before the end of term at least once" I waved as I left

I quickly ran back to the castle meeting Hermione, Ginny and Luna. Luckily they didn't question where I was. We all then walked down to the pitch grabbing good seats in the stand

"Who you rooting for Lia?" Ginny asked


"Obviously but which player?"

"Harry because he ends the game by catching the snitch"

"True" I didn't see it but Luna, Hermione and Ginny all gave each other Cheshire Cat grins

Eventually Lee announced the entrance of both sides. Each team got cheered at or booed. Once the two team captains broke each other's hand they began the game

Gryffindor was winning they had already got to 70 points where as Slytherin was stuck on 20. They were loosing as they focused more on beating up the players and attacking them instead of actually trying to score

All of a sudden I watch Harry zoom across the pitch.

"Harry Potter has spotted the snitch!" The commentator announced into his microphone

Most of the fans watched Harry and the Slytherin seeker race around the field. Luckily the chasers took this advantage and scored another goal to Gryffindor


Everyone began screaming and cheering them on. Chants of 'Gryffindor' erupted throughout the stadium. Many people left the stands and ran onto the field but us four girls knew it would be wise to stand back and not get crushed

Eventually the twins came running over with huge smiles plastered on their faces

"Congratulations boys!" I said to them

"Tell me were you-"

"-cheering us on today"

"Yeah sure" I said

"What do you mean-"

"- by yeah sure" The questioned

"Who says I was cheering for you two?" I asked raising me eyebrow

"She was cheering for Harry" Ginny said behind me causing me to spin around and hit her in the arm

"Who was cheering for me?" Harry asked joining us

Oh shit

"I..We all were" I told him "I've got to go"

I walked away from the group

"WE KNOW YOUR SECRET" The twins shouted in union

"DONT YOU FUCKING SAY ANYTHING OR ILL BAKE YOU IN GINGER PIE" I shout at them. Even from a distance I see them gulp

- - -

"She can't-"

"-you know-"

"-turn people to pie-"

"-can she?"

"I don't know brothers she makes one hell of a good baker" Ginny told them

Both boys gulped

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