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"Are you alright?!"

I turned my head to see Hermione taking the seat besides me. Her bag was swung on her shoulder as if she wasn't planning to stay long. My head turns to her as I respond with a soft smile

"As alright as you can get when your boyfriend almost kills your cousin" I shrug, earning myself an eye roll from the bushy haired girl

"It's that bloody book" Hermione mumbled under her breath. However I heard and raised my eyebrow at her

"What book?!" I question making her eyes widen as she realised what she said. But moments later she then sighs

"Harry has this potions book which has been giving him all these extra tips in potions"

"That's why he's the top of the class" I piece together "And?"

"It's where he found the spell" She revealed making my body freeze. I stared at her making her uncomfortable squirm in the seat

"Did he know?!" I frown, hopping up from my seat and walking around the bookcases. From behind, I can sense her following me as I leave the Library

"What are you doing?" She questions

"I'm giving him two options" I secretly said as we hurried up the many staircases, passing many portraits and some other students

We get to the Gryffindor portrait where I move to the side. The fat lady gives me a curious glare as Hermione repeats the password a few times until she finally lets the two of us in

Both of us step through onto the Common Room which was almost empty. Sitting on the sofas however was Harry, Ron and Ginny. They turned to me as I made my way in

Carefully I take a seat on the coffee table, crossing my legs as I look directly at my boyfriend. He raises his eyebrow as he sits opposite

"What's wrong?"

"You have two options Harry James Potter" I say authoritatively "Either I burn it or I hide it"

"What's it?!" He asks

"You know what I mean" I bluntly say, tilting my head "So either hand it over or I'll search your room"

"What do you want?!" He scoffs

"The book" I enthusiastically say, extending the noun. His eyes widen before looking to Hermione who had taken a seat on one of the sofas

"But that books helping me" He attempts to reason

"But that book almost killed someone" I mirror "So pick your option; I burn it or I hide it"

He stared at me for several minutes, obviously contemplating on what to choose. Eventually he sighed, dropping his head before exiting the room and up the boys dormitory stairs. We patiently wait as he comes down not long later with this textbook in his hand

"Hide it" He mumbled, hesitantly handing it over. I softly smile before standing up "I'm coming with you though"

"And why's that?" I ask as I head out their common room

"So you don't take it for yourself"

"And why would I want this?" I question, glancing back at him "It's done no good and I have my own notes"

We walk up the several staircases as through the seventh floor. The two of us strolled towards the portrait which led us to the Room of Requirements

Give me somewhere where I can hide an object to not be found again

The door appears as we enter. My heartbeat quickens slightly as it was the same room with the numerous piles of objects as well as the vanishing cabinet

"Not you are waiting here" I whisper to him, facing him. He looks to me as I close his eyes, place a quick kiss on his lips before backing up into the mess. I head through the piles, searching for a perfect place

Making sure he didn't follow, I looked around before facing the location. Carefully, I stepped onto a chair, extending my arm so the book was tucked into a small area. It was hidden by other objects in front as I stepped down again. I headed back to where Harry still stood, his eyes surprisingly still closed

"Now there's no dangerous spells"

Ophelia || Harry PotterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin