Chapter 96

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"I think our Charms lesson is being joint with the fifth years today" Luna murmurs looking at her schedule

"What?" I question, furrowing my eyebrows

"Yeah apparently today they need to swap our lessons around a bit because the fifth years are supposed to have double charms after our double, however the teachers they have first, can't do the lesson then, so they're swapping it to join us" She tell me

"Oh ok" I sigh still confused, resting my head on the table. Ginny comes over taking a seat

"Hey what have you guys got first?" She asked

"Charms" We both reply

"So your joining with the trios class" She smirks

"We are?" I smile

"Yeah, there was a notice in the common room and I heard them talking about it" She shrugs. Suddenly the first period bell signals so we split off. I walk besides Luna down the halls and towards our classroom

Unfortunately and annoyingly the toad stops us in the hall. She has her wicked grin plastered on her face

"Please head to class Miss Lovegood" She says "I just need a private work with Miss Black"

I turn to Luna "Hey can you take my bag and save me a seat?"

"Sure" She smiles, taking my bag and skipping away. Now Umbridge couldn't keep me too long

She horrible gestures for me to follow her. The usual route to her office drags on. It was practically memorised into my brain. As we enters, she motions me to take a seat

"So I've seen you've been mindful of your behaviour" She states walking behind her desk "Earned yourself no detentions"

"No, the lessons must've finally drilled into my head" I reply, internally rolling my eyes

"Well that's great news" She giggles "Now I want to say as well that your Defence Against the Dark Arts grade is slipping from an E to an A"

"It is?" I knowingly question. The only reason I'm starting to fail, is from her shit lessons

"Yes now it is continuing to slip, therefore I need to sign you up for some tutoring it seems" She says. My eyes just widen "Now I have some amazing students who I'm sure will be willing to help"

"Uh who?" I asked not sure if I want to hear the answer

"Well Mr Malfoy's a good example, Mr Zabini, Miss Parkinson or Miss Greengrass" She says "Now who would you like as a tutor?"

"Um I don't mind any of them" I happily say

"I think it'll either be Mr Malfoy or Miss Greengrass, they're the top" She hesitates slightly "Well have you on a rotating schedule then - Miss Greengrass makes up for when Mr Malfoy is having quidditch practices"

"Okay..." She then hands me two envelopes addressed to my new tutors before dismissing me

As I leave her classroom and head down the halls I begin muttering very cursive words under my breath

- - -

Luna walked to the charms classroom, placing herself in a seat and putting Ophelia's bag in the seat beside her

Everyone starts arriving, taking their chairs. The golden trio enters the room being directed to seats by Professor Flitwick along with the other fifth years. The fourth years have taken the bottom rows as the fifth have taken the top

Once everyone's seated Professor Flitwick begins the role call. He goes down the long list of students

"Miss Rayden" He calls out receiving no answer. Everyone looks to the empty seat besides Luna "Where is Miss Rayden, Miss Lovegood?"

"Umbridge wanted to speak to her" Luna replied making everyone sigh. He then continues with the role call

Moments later the door opens and in walks the famous brown haired girl

- - -

I slowly walked into the Charms classroom to find everyone staring at me. All of their eyebrows raised

"What happened?" Professor Flitwick asked preparing himself for a potential rant

"Well, in a way, Umbridge admitted that her teaching is lowering my grades" I reply "She thinks going from an E to A is a huge failing drop"


"And she's basically assigned me tutors" I say before heading over to Draco and Daphne, placing the letters in front of them "Yeah she made you two my tutors"

I then walk over to the empty seat besides Luna placing my head against the table

"Oh she also congratulated me for not getting any detentions" I added with a little shrug

Professor Flitwick just shook his head before continuing with his lesson. The double lessons thankfully went with a blink of an eye as the bell then went. Slowly I collected my belongings as I walked out with Luna

Harry, Hermione and Ron join us as we leave. I smile at them as Harry then throws an arm around my shoulder

"So she's making you get a tutor for going from an E to A" Hermione confirms

"Yeah" I shrug "Stupid woman and her bloody teaching that's what's lowered it"

"But why?" She continues

"Why do you think Mione?" I rhetorically reply "She's starting to keep an eye on me because I'm involved with you lot. So she's trying to fill my schedule out so it's one less person to watch"

"Can't believe you have it with Malfoy" Harry bitterly said

"He's my cousin" I respond, raising an eyebrow "He's not going to do anything to me"

"Yeah but-"

"But nothing Harry" I sigh "I get you lot hate him, but I don't. Anyways just think of it as a way so he has less time to come after you lot"

"I guess" He mumbled, tightening his grip around me

As we start heading down more corridors, we make it to the courtyard where we sit all together. Ginny joins us minutes later. Asking us how our joint lessons went. This then lead to me having to explain what happened with Umbridge...again. I think she just personally hates me now

"Ophelia" I hear a voice calls. Slowly I shift my head to see Daphne and Draco coming over to me, their friends following behind. They then hand me a piece of paper

"What's this?"

"Tutoring schedule" Daphne answers

Slowly I open the paper to find my week completely ruined. The toad had filled practically nearly everyday with sessions; My only free days being a Thursday and the weekend

"Surely this is too much?" I frown

"For you, yes" Draco bluntly replied "For me, no"

I raise an eyebrow for him to elaborate. Daphne kneels down beside me

"So on a Monday and Wednesday I tutor you but on Tuesday and Friday it's Draco's turn" She explains "That's why it's two different colours so you know who's doing it"

"And let me guess, quidditch is on a Monday and Wednesday for you?" I confirm looking up at Draco as he nods. I just sigh "Fine"

Daphne sympathetically pays my shoulder before getting up and walking away. Her friends following in pursuit. Draco then makes a face however stops at the look I give him. He then walks away. Everyone else just looked at me again as I fell back

"Kill me now" I groan

"No" Harry responds

"Wait Ophelia" Hermione gasps "She's made it so you can't come to DA meetings"

"Fucks sake"

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