Chapter 135

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I sat in the library with Ginny one afternoon, the two of us doing our Defence Against the Dark Arts essay for Snape. It was the perfect time, I thought, to finally get an answer for Luna

"So?" She questioned glancing up from her paper

"Don't get mad" I hold my hands up in early surrender "but I heard you and Dean got into another fight"

She groaned whilst writing the next sentence on her essay

"What was it about?" I questioned

"When Harry got hit with the bludger during the game" She sighed "He was laughing and I thought it was horrible"

"Well he's mean" I comment, looking at her warily "But is your relationship with him do you say it...rocky?"


"Like you know how me and Harry have our moments when we get into an argument but make up a few days later" I example for her, she takes a deep breath and turns to me

"Not going to lie...I feel like our relationship is worse" She admits with a sigh, I tilt my head for her to elaborate "Well I feel like we don't actually know each other, it's mainly just us snogging"

"Wait so you don't know anything about Dean?"

"No" She says, raising her eyebrows at the truth

"Do you think perhaps...Dean isn't the one?" I tried to subtly ask. She sighs then turns to properly face me

"What would a good relationship look like?" She asks "Like yours and Harry's"

"I'm not sure what a good relationship looks like because Harry is my first" I admit "But I believe that in a relationship it shouldn't be all physical love, you know, like kissing and that lot. Instead a large part of it should be about getting to know each other in depth. You should be able to tell the other person when your upset and explain why. However the relationship also shouldn't be easy. A healthy relationship should consist of arguments, not a lot, but like rarely so both sides can learn"

"I hate that you're a Ravenclaw sometimes" She mutters loud enough for me to hear. Her comment made me grin as I go to write the next few lines of my essay

In the corner of my eyes, I see Ginny playing with the hem of her sleeves. Her fingers pulling at the thread nervously

"What's wrong?" I ask, not looking up from the essay

"Where's Luna?" She hesitantly asks. I internally smirk, hoping this can actually be my chance

"I'm not sure" I lie "She's been suspicious but I think she's found herself someone"

"She has?" Ginny gulps

"Yeah" I add on "She seems really happy when she comes to the dorm in the evenings"

"Oh" Ginny mutters, looking at her lap

"Why?" I push, however the red head just shrugs

"Just curious"

"Are you sure?!" I smirk "Because you look pretty upset that Luna might be seeing someone"

"What are you insinuating?!" She scoffs

"Maybe you, you know...perhaps have feelings for a certain blonde"

Ginny just raised her head to glare at me, she had an unrecognisable look. But at the same time, it looked like the same expression Luna gave me a few months ago

"Ginny" I say as the red head goes quiet. Unfortunately she doesn't respond and seems to be stuck in her head. I sigh before waving my hand in front of her face "Ginnyyy?!"

"Huh?" She blinks, coming back to reality

"Do you like Luna?" I whispered, raising my eyebrow as the girl gulps. However it seems that she also comes to a conclusion with herself

"I think so"

- - -

Apologies for not posting for the past few days,
I get stuck on this book sometimes and I had no more draft chapters
Hopefully I can can get some more chapters written but we'll see
I start school again on Thursday and have to get tested on Wednesday 😭😭

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