Chapter 36

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The Morning of September 1st

It was currently 9am. Everyone was frantically running around the burrow doing last minute packing or is Mrs Weasleys case making sure the kids had all their uniform and book. However it was typically all the Weasley children whom were searching for all their stuff. Me and Hermione were just slowly getting ready for the day

I put on a plaid skirt with a light grey sweater and fishnet tights. I then wore black ankle boots. Lastly I pulled my hair back in a sorta loose low ponytail topping it off with a grey headband. I grabbed my backpack and assisted in moving my stuff downstairs

Lugging my trunk downstairs was difficult as I could only really use one hand

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Lugging my trunk downstairs was difficult as I could only really use one hand. Somehow I managed to make it down the several flights of stairs

"Oh dear did you just bring your stuff downstairs?"


"You should've asked for help with your broken hand" She complains "Here let me take your trunk now"

I hesitantly handed it over as I felt bad. She had all her actual kids to worry about but instead she's worrying about me. However I did give her a thanks as she took my trunk

"So are you all packed dear?" She asks


"How about I get you some breakfast then"

Personally I wasn't actually very hungry

"Mrs Weasley apologies but you don't happen to have some berries I could eat as I'm not very hungry"

"Of course dear..sit sit" She moved her way around the kitchen to get some berries "Dear I would like you to eat a little more that fruit so you don't mind if I add some oats do you"

"Not at all"

She came over and handed me a small bowl of oats, blueberries, kiwi, banana and some red fruit but I couldn't see what it was as it was more towards the bottom of the bowl

"This looks amazing Molly thank you"

"This looks amazing Molly thank you"

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