Chapter 71

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The Gift

I take Tonks arm as she then apparates us to Diagon Alley

We both walk down the quiet lane with her right by my side making sure to be on alert. It seemed as if not many were out however I presume this was because it was still around the time people normally would have dinner. We had small discussion making sure not to say anything secret in case their were eavesdroppers or death eaters around

The two of us make our way to Gringotts where we walk up the short marble stairs entering the building. With me leading, we walk down the aisle heading to the main goblin who sat at our desk. He was busy doing something financially so I had to clear my throat

"Hello I'd like to please enter my vault" I say looking up at him

Without looking up he flatly asks "Name?"

"Ophelia Black"

He looks up with a small smile of his face "Mistress Black, your wand please?"

I stretch slightly handing my wand to him as he examines us. With the flick of his wrist he summons one of his workers

"Take Mistress Black to her vault"

The goblin then leads me and Tonks down the back and into the buggy which he steers down to my vault. The ride was long since I was further down in the cave. Eventually we did make it and as we all got off the buggy he asked for my key which I gave him. The vault door opens allowing me inside. Tonks also follows me in

"So why did you come?" She asks

"I was left a gift which is presumably in my vault"

She nods then assists me in looking around despite the amount of galleons and stuff around. In a way perhaps bringing Tonks wasn't the best as she tends to be a bit clumsy

However after searching for a couple of minutes I find a small box at the back of the vault. It has my name written on it in the same handwriting as Regulus'

"Tonks I found it" I say so she can stop looking

She carefully comes over crouching beside me

"That's a small box" She comments

"Either what he's given me is small or there's an extension charm on it"

She nods as I then stand up. Quickly I slip a few galleons into my side bag along with the present just extra money in case. The two of us exit the vault with it locking behind us. We then board the buggy where we're brought back up to the ground floor. Both of us leave the bank but as I'm getting ready to apparate Tonks turns to me

"This is a stupid question to ask" She says slightly hesitant. I grab her hand signalling her to spit it out "Have you ever been in love?"

I smile knowingly "Yes I have"

"No but like deeply loved like not family love but like romantic love"

"I do"

"Who if you don't mind me asking"

"Harry" I smiled

"Really?" She smiled her face softening

"Yeah I think he likes me back"

"So what's stopping you two?"

"Nothing" I shrug "I don't think we get enough time alone for him to ask because whenever he does someone always interrupts"


"Exactly, however we have kissed"

"REALLY" She loudly gasped

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