Chapter 151

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The woman up the field heard my voice and nodded. Tears ran down my face as I sprinted forward. Running towards the woman who came to meet me half way

Both of us collided into a tight embrace as we lowered down to the ground. Our sobs echoed around us as we cried into each other's necks. Her hand ran down the back of my head in a repeating motions as we stayed close together

"How?!" I choke out, not moving from where I was buried in her arms

"Magic" She replied making us both chuckle through our sobs. The two of us were wrapped in each others arms

"Did dad come back?" I ask, pulling away to look at her. Her grey eyes looked into mine as she then shook her head

"He didn't want to come back" She softly smiled "He said he's lived his days on this earth and that he was proud with the girl your have grown up to become. Your father said he's had his days with you and has enough memories to last a life time. He wants you to understand that he didn't return because he wants you to get to know the real you, you still have parts yet to discover"

"I understand" I whisper as we place our foreheads against each other. The two of us stay like that before we rise from the floor

"You've been so strong sweetheart" She praises, moving the loose strands of my brown hair before placing a kiss on my forehead "I'm so proud of everything you have done"

"Now" She smiled "You have a person in particular I know you've wanted to meet for a while"

She then rotated my shoulders so I turned to look at the people in front of me. There was obviously Sirius but next to him was a man who I had never truly seen in reality. He had the matching grey eyes with the little curl in his hair

"Reggie" I squeal, running into him unexpectedly as I wrap my arms around his neck

"Well hello to you too" He laughs, wrapping his arms around my waist as we rock back at forth

"We'll look at that" Sirius comments "The sane part of the Black Family has been reunited"

"That doesn't include you Sirius" I mutter loud enough for him to hear, seconds later I hear him dramatically gasp which was followed by mum and Reggie's laughter

"How dare you Ophelia Black" He protested "Remember I know things these two won't"

"Like what?" I scoff

"Well for starters you start spilling your life story to a dog you don't know" He retorts

"Well how was I supposed to know you were an animagus" I reason

"Secondly I know what happened at the Yule Ball, followed by what happened in your fourth year with a certain toad"

"Don't you dare" I hiss, pulling away from Regulus. My eyes narrow at my smirking uncle "You say a word and I'll cut all your hair off"

"You wouldn't dare" He gasps, running a hand through his hair

"Try me"

"No, no, no, no, no" Remus' voice comes over, standing in between us "I am not listening to another argument. I hear too much when you two are around"

"Your no fun Remus" I sigh but then notice two other adults by him. Harry stood besides them as I speechlessly look at them. One indeed had auburn hair with Harry's green eyes however the other was looked exactly like an older replica of Harry

"Err...My parents" Harry says, gesturing his hands to them as he also seemed to be in shock as well

"So your the girl who's captured my sons heart and is the niece to my best mate. Your also the girl who somehow brought us back" The man says

"I guess..." I awkwardly reply as he grins before surprisingly wrapping me in a hug. He also spins me around which stuns me even more. When he puts me on the floor again he breaks away and stretches his arm out

"James Potter"

"Umm Ophelia Black" I reply, shaking his hand. The auburn woman then steps forward

"I'm Lily Evans-"

"Potter" James coughs earning a glare from his wife

"-It's lovely to meet you" She softly smiles, bringing me into a hug

"You too?!"

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