Chapter 129

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I entered the room of requirement for the first time in a while. The same room as last time was summoned

"I'm here" Draco's voice called out. Quietly I head over to the sofa I sat at last time with Draco on the other one. A soft smile was on my face as I looked at his slightly tired figure "Happy birthday by the way"

"Thanks-" I'm cut off when he attempts to break into my mind. However I quickly blur the view then throw him out of my mind. A small smirk plays on his face

"I see you've somehow practiced"

"Mmm...somehow" I hummed "Its definitely not by the fact you sometimes try to break in randomly"

"I don't know what your talking about" He playfully chuckles "I rarely see you"

"Yes but in the times you think you can be sneaky and get away with it"

He sighs then holds his hand up in surrender " caught me"

There was some silence as I shifted in my seat "Am I ready to know yet?"

He stared at me before his gaze fell to the floor. I watched as he nervously sat there, twisting his hands nervously. Trying to get somewhere, I open my mouth

"Did you have any involvement with Katie's accident?" I quietly ask, looking at him. His eyes lock with mine when he looks up again. Water glazes over his eyes

"I thought it would be easier" He admits, moving to look at the burning fire "I thought it would be easier to do my task"

"What task Draco?" I quietly ask, tilting my head to the side

"I don't want to do it" He cried "I'm scared to"

"What's the task Draco?" I repeat

"I don't want to do it" He cries, shaking his head now "He's threatened to kill my family...including you"

I get up from my space, moving over to where he was. Gently I pull him into my embrace, leaning him against me as I wrap my arms around him

"I swear I don't want to do it" He now heavily cries

" your task from...Voldemort?" I whisper. He stiffens at the name but doesn't move. However I'd refuse to let him leave my embrace anyway

"...Yes..." He admits after minutes of dead silence. The only sound was the crackling fire in front of us

"What's your task?" I try to ask again

"To kill..."



My eyes flutter close as I tighten my arms around my cousin. I couldn't believe that horrible man was getting him to commit to that sinful act. Draco continued to lean on my chest, crying continuously. However I tried to keep my heartbeat in a steady rhythm as I felt it was calming him down as he listened

"You don't want to do it?!" I confirm

"No" He truthfully admits. I press my lips to his head, placing a comforting kiss there "I have to fix the cabinet"

"What cabinet?" I frown

"The vanishing cabinet" He sighs "The death eaters want to use it to get into the school"

We sit in silent as I ponder. Truly I had to be wise how I asked this next question. I knew Draco trusted me but I had to be comforting in the way I asked

"Draco..." I finally said, he shifted his head to look up at me " you have the mark?"

His tears glisten with fresh tears. The expression on his face gives me the answer I dreaded to hear. Instantly my own tears made its way forward as I wrapped my arms around him protectively. My right arm holding the back of his head

We stayed this way, silent, but basking in each other's comfort. Neither one of us spoke, we only lied here taking each other's presence. Draco continuously laid his head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat whilst I ran my hand comfortingly through his hair. The both of us watching the burning fire

Like most things, this moment eventually came to an end. He sat up and ran a hand through his hair

"You best get back before it gets to late" He says. I sit up, pulling him into one last hug

"Don't be frightened to tell me anything Draco" I whisper in his ear "We're family and I need you to trust me that we can talk"

"I trust you Ophelia" He honestly says "I'm just...scared"

"So am I Draco" I whisper, cupping his cheeks before placing a soft kiss on his forehead "I'll see you soon. Message me if you need to talk...or need help"

With that I left the room of requirements, heading down the hall towards the dorms. Suddenly however I walk into the wrong corridor at the wrong time

"I don't want to find my own sister snogging people in public!" Ron exclaimed, looking at Ginny and Dean who I assumed they just caught

"This was a deserted corridor till you came butting in!" Ginny retorted

"Er...c'mon, Ginny" Dean said "let's go back to the common room..."

"You go!" said Ginny "I want a word with my dear brother!"

Dean walked past me, giving me a look as he headed off. I slowly approached Ginny's side

"Right" Ginny announced, tossing her long red hair out of her face and glaring at Ron "let's get this straight once and for all. It is none of your business who I go out with or what I do with them, Ron-"

"Yeah, it is!" Ron replied, just as angrily as she was "D'you think I want people saying my sister's a-"

"A what?" shouted Ginny, drawing her wand "A what, exactly?"

"He doesn't mean anything, Ginny-" Harry tried, giving me a look to help when he noticed my presence

"Oh yes he does!" she said, flaring up at Harry "Just because he's never snogged anyone in his life, just because the best kiss he's ever had is from our Auntie Muriel-"

"Shut your mouth!" bellowed Ron, bypassing red and turning maroon. I just stood there actually staring to find this sibling fight amusing

"No, I will not!" yelled Ginny "I've seen you with Phlegm, hoping she'll kiss you on the cheek every time you see her, it's pathetic! If you went out and got a bit of snogging done yourself, you wouldn't mind so much that everyone else does it!"

Ron had pulled out his wand. Harry stepped swiftly between them as I placed my hands up, not sure what to do to calm these two down

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Ron roared, trying to get a clear shot at Ginny around Harry, who was now standing in front of her with his arms outstretched "Just because I don't do it in public-!"

Ginny screamed with derisive laughter, trying to push Harry out of the way

"Been kissing Pigwidgeon, have you? Or have you got a picture of Auntie Muriel stashed under your pillow?"

I ducked as a streak of orange light flew under Harry's left arm and missed me and Ginny by inches. Harry then pushed Ron up against the wall

"Don't be stupid-"

"Harry's probably snogged Ophelia!" Ginny shouted, who sounded close to tears now. I just had my mouth open in disbelief and betrayal "And Hermione snogged Viktor Krum, it's only you who acts like it's something disgusting, Ron, and that's because you've got about as much experience as a twelve-year-old!"

Suddenly she stormed away as I stared at the other two, rocking on my heels

"I'm going to go now"

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