Chapter 35

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Broken Hand and Inches Apart

It was the last day of summer holidays. We hadn't really planned anything other that pack and get our stuff ready for tomorrow. Yesterday I had to go back home quickly to collect my trunk, owl and some more school uniform. But also drop off the clothes I had been wearing

"Are you excited to go back?" Hermione asks

"Kinda" I tell her "I have a feeling it's gonna be different this year"

"It's different every year Lia" Ginny sighs "Especially when your boyfriend almost gets himself killed in each one"


Wait what

She just said boyfriend

I quickly threw my book at her. The two girls glanced at each other before laughing

"Not funny"

"But you like him" They edge on

"I know" I wink. Both of them gasp before letting out two matching grins

Suddenly however a voice sounds in the doorway startling us "Who likes who?" Unfortunately from fright I slipped of the side of the bed

I yelped clutching my hand that I'd landed on "Owwww"

Hermione stopped laughing noticing me in pain

"Oh my god Lia are you alright?" She says rushing to my side

"No" I whisper "Think I've just done something to my hand"

She slowly takes my hand but I call out in pain

"Ron you've broken her hand" She gasps

"ME" He yells "WHAT DID I DO"


Arthur comes up the stairs and into our room

"What's all the noise?"

"Ron broke Lia's hand" She told him while sending death glares to Ron

"Oh gosh let's get you down to Molly and she'll help you"

The girls assisted me standing up. We all made our way downstairs with Arthur leading us

"Molly, Ophelia we believe has broken her hand"

"Oh dear" She mutters coming over to look "Let's sit shall we"

She gently pulls me into the kitchen "How did this happen?"

"Ask Ron"

She looked up with her eyebrows raised to see everyone standing in the doorway. As if on cue Harry and the twins come through the back door

"Ron what's taking you so-"

"-what happened to you?" They said first changing the subject of Ron to me

"She broke it because Ron was an idiot and just bursts into our room" Ginny seethed

"Ron what have we said you can't just go into the girls room like that!" Molly tuts

"Well they we're having an interesting conversation"


"Boys" Ginny answers playing with a smile on her lips

"Boys?" The twins question

"Yup" She grinned "A certain one in particular"

"Ginny, I hope you realise it's only one hand that's broken"

"So?" She questions furrowing her eyebrows

"I still have another one"

"Oh shit" She mumbles

"Ginerva Weasley language" Molly calls out

"Sorry mum"

"There we go dear" Molly announces "Keep this bandage and cast on for about a week into school then visit madam pomfrey to see if it's healed"


- - -

For the rest of the day however I had to take it easy. The girls would help me carry whatever needed two hands

Its sad when its the last day of summer break but at the same time it's a great feeling to go back and see all our other friends

Right now it was about 7pm and I was standing alone in one of the fields surrounding the burrow. I watched as the sun went down finally going to sleep. Eventually I heard a figure walking through the grass. When I turned I saw Harry a few paces from me

"Hey" I greeted

"Hey" He smiled joining my side "What are you doing out here?"

"Just thinking I guess" Quickly I noticed how he didn't know what to respond with so he went awkward "Plus I love watching the sun set"


"'s soothing and beautiful"

"Not as beautiful as you" He whispers



How stupid did he think I was? I just heard what he said but what he doesn't know won't hurt him

"Are you okay though?" He asks turning to me

"Yeah why?"

"It just that lately after the attack your a bit more on edge" He reasons "Plus you've broken your hand from being startled and falling of the bed"

I sigh. Geez we can read each other

"Well I'm a little afraid because I sense a storm is brewing but aside from that..I'm fine"


We stand there in comfortable silence for a few more minutes

"Thanks Harry"

"For what?"

"You always know when to check up on me" I say still staring into the distance "Its like you know when I need someone other than my friends to talk to"

"Well I do my best"

Now we were closer than ever before. We both had our foreheads against on and another. His breath pushed onto my face. My eyes were closed as I felt him leaning in. The gap was now inches apart

"GUYS" Ron shouts


"Another time" I whisper

"Another time"

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