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═══════════════CHAPTER THREE═══════════════

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After recovering for the remaining part of the journey they soon enough rolled into Hogsmede station where a whistle sounded and you could here the doors open up

The three rose from their places, now in their uniforms as they headed off the train. Gripping onto each other, they battled through the crowd of first years who pushed in the opposite direction to them

Trying not to get too distracted, they cleared their thought of reminiscing when a year ago they were the ones who were heading towards Hagrid. All three of them managed to get through the crowd, walking over to where the carriages were lined up

Ophelia's eyed frowned at the skeletal horse figure which stood before each carriage. They had a dark aural glow to them

"Do you see that" She whispered, her eyes not leaving the creature as they carefully climbed onto the carriages

"See what?" Ginny questioned, following the frisk eyesight get seeing nothing

"The black skeleton horse thingy" Ophelia pointed, frowning at her friend as if she were blind. However Ginny gave her a hopeless look

"I see them too" Luna commented making a thankful sigh leave Ophelia as she deemed herself now not crazy

"Why can you see them and not me?" Ginny questioned, slightly pissed that she was missing out

"I'm not sure" Ophelia responded "I guess we'll have to find out the answer later"

Momentarily the trio are joined by another trio. The golden trio in fact joined them, sending small grins

"Are you alright?" Ginny questioned, looking towards her brother and then the others who seemed a little pale

"Yeah" They dismissed making the three girls raise their eyebrows

"Liar" Ginny muttered "You three look like hell especially you Harry" She comments before turning to Ophelia "Now how about you give them a detailed analysis on why they're not alright"

"Why not" Ophelia shrugs before turning to properly look at them. Her eyes fall of Harry "You Harry definitely do not look alright and by that I mean that your complexion is most certainly paler than the healthier shade you usually bare. This could link to many factors such as fear, worry or sickness. However your eyes seemed to be slightly fazed, suggesting something happened not too long ago and your gradually recovering. Therefore your slowly being pulled out of your state of shock"

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