Chapter 40

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Lunch Chats

Two months go by at school. The majority of the time was spent waiting for our guest to arrive

It was October 30th and the two school were set to come at around 4pm today an hour before dinner. Many people were thrilled with the idea of having foreign guests but at the same time it was like these people are coming into our school and we have to share

Right now I was sitting with Ginny at lunch. Classes were cancelled for the day since many people weren't focusing for the past week

"So Gin how do you feel about these guest coming later?" I asked with my head lying on a book as I wrote an essay for potions

"It's nice I guess but let's hope their not rude"

"I mean if they are we can just kick them out right"

"Right" She laughs "Oh guess who's coming"

"The devil"

"No.....Harry" She paused

"Oh ok"

"Why the hell did you say devil"

"Truthfully I don't know" I shrug "Probably just tired"

"Well your obviously tired, your in a position that makes you seem like you'll fall asleep"

"Mmm" I said as I just stared at the parchment in front of me

"Hey guys" The trio greets sitting next to us

"What's up with her" Harry asks Ginny

"She's tired"

I groan rolling my head on the table

"What's your essay?"

"Potions" I mumble

Harry rubs my back sending some electricity down up my spine. What the bloody hell. My whole body just shivered at his touch

I look up with pleading eyes "Hermione can you help me please?"

"Sure what's the potion?"

"Antidote to common poisons"

Hermione took my textbook and flicked to the page. She pointed information I needed to write down. With her help I managed to get my essay done in ten minutes

"Your a legend Hermione thank you so much"

"Anytime" She giggled

I quickly put my essay, textbook and quill back in my bag before turning back to the others and leaning my head on the table. Next thing I know I'm yawning

"Why the fuck do I need to be so god damn tired" I moan

"Is it you know what" Hermione asks


"Oh poor you" She pity's

"I don't need your pity" I groan "Didn't mean that rudely though" I quickly add

"What are you on about?" Ron asks. This guy is such a stupid idiot


"What's you know what?"

"You want the truth?"


"My fucking period"

"Oh" He shuts his mouth quickly going slightly red causing the girls to laugh

"I'm tired and I got craps" I pouted "Someone cheer me up"

They laughed at my dramatic mood. Harry got up and went to get a bowl from further down the table. We all watch him confused until he comes back

"What's in that?" Hermione asks

He places it down infringe of me. I look it the bowl to see STRAWBERRIES. My mood instantly brightens and I start eating them. The group leaves me to my comfort food

Hermione POV

"How did you know what to get?" I asked Harry who just gave Ophelia strawberries that immediately cheered her up

"What she loves strawberries" He reasoned shrugging

"That's not the only thing she loves" Ginny smirked earning a calyx thrown by Ophelia (the green part of the strawberry)

"What else does she love then?" Ron asks

Oh god

Me and Ginny give each other a look

"Don't you dare" Ophelia threatens

We turn to Harry "So Harry how did you know Lia loves strawberries?" Ginny asks him attempting to change subject

"She eats them all the time" He said rubbing the back of his head

We all look at Ophelia again who now is currently napping at the table

"What is this girl?" Ginny asks

"Umm are we that boring?" I ask the group

"She said she was tired" Harry defends

Ginny looks at him "You like her" She sang

"Wait what?"

"Your defending her"


"And you know she loves strawberries" I added


"And you almost had that moment with her" Ginny finishes with one last push

"What's your point?" He asks as he thumps his hand on the table startling Lia awake "Sorry" he whispered

She set her head back on the table and fell asleep again

"Point proven" Me and Ginny muttered

"How does that prove anything?" Ron asks

"Your so oblivious Ron" I tut at him "You don't notice that your best friend has feelings for someone and cares about them"


"So you should be encouraging your best friend to admit his feelings and ask her out"

"Can we not talk so loudly?" Harry asks

"Why who's going to listen?" Ginny asks

He nods to Ophelia. We sit in silence as we watch him stare at her face. His own expression is softened as he looks at her and a smile is tugged on his lips. Oh Harry why can't you see that she likes you back

"Harry" Ginny softly starts "You like Ophelia and we can see that, but open your eyes and see that she has the mutual feelings"

He looks to Ginny "She likes me?"

"Deeply" I agree

"Just don't break her heart"

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