Chapter 145

539 14 1

"Ophelia stop blinking"

It was a perfect day for such a perfect event. I was sat inside, getting ready for the wedding of Fleur and Bill. Ginny was currently on the duty of getting my make up done however I believe there to be some sort of dust or something, attempting to fall in my eye

She managed to finish of the look before we both stood up and went over to the full sized mirror. Both of us wore these beautiful golden dresses since Fleur had asked us and her sister to be bridesmaids

"Well we look gorgeous" I grin with Ginny approvingly nodding

"Absolutely radiant" She adds

Moments later I head downstairs where I find the kitchen empty. The only person was Harry who was staring into thin air

"You okay?" I ask. His head snaps in my direction as I see his eyes assess my outfit. My eyes then fall on his annoyingly crooked and messy tie. With a huff, I undo his tie before redoing it. Carefully I pull one end so it tightens enough around his neck so it doesn't choke him

"Yeah" He replies after some time. In the meantime I was straightening out his suit "Just...thinking"

"I know your leaving" I whispered under my breath, his eyes widened as he looked to me "Don't worry I won't stop you"

"How do you know?" He questioned, making me chuckle

"Your forgetting I sometimes see things then paint them" I grin, but look at him seriously "What are you doing though?"

"I can't tell you" he admitted with a sigh "Just know it can hopefully put an end to this"

"Well I believe you can do this" I smiled. We stared into each others eyes. His green meeting my grey

"I love you" He whispered, glancing to my lips

"I love you too" I reply as we then connect our lips. His hands placed themselves on my waist as mine where pressed against his chest. We stayed like this for what felt like an eternity. Living in the moment of love before it all disappeared

Slowly we pulled away, fluttering our eyes open. My eyes then cast over his shoulder to find a certain twin, leaning against the counter with a mug in his hand. Around his head was a freshly changed bandage

"Morning" George grinned. Both of us flushed a red before I cleared my throat

"I better check on Ginny and then Fleur" I muttered before hurrying out. Behind me I heard George's laughter as I escaped up the stairs

- - -

The music began to play, both Fleur and Monsieur Delacour made their way down the aisle. The Veela in a simple white gown with a beautiful tiara placed on her head from the Weasleys aunt Muriel. Ginny, Gabrielle and I follows after her. Big smiles on our faces as we took our seats when we had reached the end

"Ladies and gentlemen" A singsong voice began, standing before us all as he addressed everyone "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls..."

"Yes, my tiara set off the whole thing nicely" Auntie Muriel whispered "But I must say, Ginevra and her friends dresses are far too low cut"

"Do you, William Arthur, take Fleur Isabelle...?"

Molly and Madame Delacour were both sobbing quietly into scraps of lace. Apart from them, most people also had tears in their eyes

"...then I declare you bonded for life"

Immediately everyone began clapping and cheering them on. Both had huge smiles on their faces as they turned to face us all

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The wizard called "If you would please stand up!"

When we all stood up the chairs replaced themselves with a dance floor. Moments later the band begun to play, Bill and Fleur took to the dance floor first. after a while, Mr Weasley led Madame Delacour onto the floor, followed by Mrs Weasley and Fleur's father. Slowly people joined in with the dance as I watched from the sidelines

"Well pup I fancy dancing since Ill probably get drunk later on" Sirius began, making my head turn to face him "And I'll prefer to have a dance which wasn't with me drunk"

"Spit it out Uncle" I grin

"Will my amazing niece be my dance partner before I get intoxicated"

"Take the offer now" Remus sneakily whispered in my ear getting a dramatic and offended gasp from Sirius

"Come on then padfoot" I laugh as we head onto the floor. The two of us begin dancing around to the music. Right now was the moment where everyone could just let loose and have a good time without focusing on the war

- - -

Hours into the night passed. I had danced many times with many different partners; Harry, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Ginny, Luna, Ron somehow, The twins and surprisingly at some point Bill. Therefore my feet was currently aching as I made my way towards where Sirius and Remus where sat at the table

However everything dimmed. The light dropped low as everyone fell into a hush. Our eyes all then dart to the lynx patronus which arrived in the centre of the floor. Seconds later Kingleys deep voice comes from the creature

"The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming"

Everyone stays frozen in place at the news as the lynx then disappears. The light return only for a second before everyone started panicking. People started gathering family members; Molly looked for her children; Bill and Fleur touched foreheads; Some began apparating away

It all becomes real when a dark smoke comes hurling into tent. Seconds later it's replaced with a death eater who begins firing spells

"Ophelia" Sirius' voice shouts as he then grabs my hand. The two of us grab our wands, attacking the arriving death eaters

I turn my head to see Harry running towards me. However he's cut of by Remus who is shouting at him to go. My eyes follow his as he runs to Hermione and Ron. I shoot a spell at a death eater going to attack them so they have time to disappear. Once they gone I turn to Remus who is by our side

"Sirius get Ophelia out of here and we'll join you soon enough" He called. Sirius then apprehensively nodded, not wanting to leave his last remaining best friend. However with a reassuring nod from him, Sirius tightens his grip on my hand before the two of us apparate away

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