The "Super-Duper-Extra Promise"

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"Would you cut it out already!? Why do you keep dying over and over again!?"

"It's because of love~! Even in death, you can never stop the flow of true love~!"

"Enough about love already! It's getting annoying!" ...

"Then why do you keep blushing~?" ...

"I'm not blushing!"

"You so are~!"

"I'm not!"

"You. Are~!"

"Okay, I'm already getting tired of this, Kusotori!"

"I'm not a bird! I'm a phoenix!"

"...Why are you even here, Kiara? I have work to do. Can't you see that you're interrupting my client?"

"So sorry! But I'm afraid that I'm going to have to bug you some more! Hey! Get your scythe away from my neck!"

"Choose your words carefully, Kusotori. Interrupting a reaper's job is serious business. And as you already know, I take my job seriously..."

"Well... sorry!"

"Don't move my scythe away while I'm threatening you!"


"Stop saying sorry, Stupid Bird!"

"Anyway, I have to chat with your... client. As you can see behind you..."

"What? Why is his stomach glowing? Did you do something to him!?"

"I didn't do anything! If anything, he's the one behind it!"

"...Fine. But try anything funny, and it's your head. Go on. Go... 'talk' to my client."

"So protective~! Is this how you're going to treat me while we're on future dates!?"


"Okay, I got it, just stop glaring at me!"

"...Make it fast."

"Yeah, yeah. So... you're the one who used my Phoenix Feather, huh? Pretty average, but cute regardless! You're so adorable~!"

"Hey, what do you think you're doing!?"

"Sorry about this, but I'm going to have to power your head for a second. Wee~!"

"Don't dodge my attack, Stupid Bird!"

"You could've hurt your client!"

"...He'll be fine."

"Well I beg to differ! Anyway, your stomach is glowing because you ate my feather... You're a pretty weird one aren't you? Now then, let's do what I came here for..."

Feel... I was beginning to feel warm again. I can... think clearly now! But still, for some reason, nothing comes out of my mouth when I speak.

"Hey, Kusotori, what did you do!?"

With clear aggravation in her eyes, the... Calliope-san was seriously close to slashing... Kiara-san with her scythe.

"I did what I had to, Calli~! I resurrected him with the Phoenix Feather inside him! Sadly... I won't be able to take it back from him though..."

Kiara-san stared at my stomach with a strange glare. Was... was there something wrong with me eating the feather?

"You can't resurrect him! It's my job to bring him to the next area!" Calliope-san shouted angrily.

"Um... yeah I can, I'm doing just that. But my problem is that I can't figure out a way to get the feather from out of-ah... it disappeared," Looking up at me with a smile, she grabbed my shoulders, after standing up straight, allowing another instance of red to develop on my cheeks.

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