Returning A Favor

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After weighing my options, I had decided to see what information this other Amelia had. This was risky, but having Time take action on Coco would be more severe. The problem of her knowing already and not doing anything was enough to make me panic a little. If what my Amelia had done was enough to get on Time's bad side, then... What would she do to Coco?

Putting those thoughts aside, I had another problem to deal with; how can I trust this other Amelia's words? For all I know, she's sending me to another trap. But I wouldn't know unless I get there... But maybe I could tell someone to keep a lookout for me? And then what? I could get sniped at again, stabbed, or whatnot. They wouldn't be able to stop anything of that sort in time at all. I'll be dead before I know it.

And then I'll be risking them again.

...I don't think I can do that when Mio's had been taken away so easily before. I know I should trust in their strength, but... I just can't risk it.

I took out my phone and looked at the most recent message that was sent to me. It was the location of the place that the other Amelia wanted to meet at.

'There's a carnival going on today. Hope you're good at party games.' - Amelia

Why does she need to put her name at the end of it? And this doesn't help a single bit! Where at the carnival am I supposed to meet her?!

I was ready to grab a hood to go out with before I hesitated to leave my room. As much as I wanted to hurry on out, I couldn't help but worry about the others knowing where I'm going. If I just left, then I'll be doing exactly what I did before in the past.

I'll just leave a note for them. However, I don't want them to follow me too closely. I want them to keep their distance in case something wrong happens.

Whatever comes from this... was my decision.


Making it to the carnival with its booming music, vibrant colored tents and people everywhere, I looked around to see if there were any signs of the other Amelia. But to no avail, I couldn't find her.

Right before I was about to text her, I just got another message from her.

'Let's see what you got. Two stuffed animals, four shots, one throw, and two sweet candies for the heart to treat.'

What kind of terrible riddle am I reading right now? No, scratch that, is this even a riddle? Feels like I'm looking at some sort stupid list. Is this what I'm supposed to do? And how does this help me with finding her?!

...Texting back won't help, so I guess I'm stuck trying to figure out what this means.

Seeing a stand with multiple stuffed animals, I stared at the guy that was waving off some kids who had won a stuffed elephant toy. I was expecting him to be upset since they just rip people off but.... Oh well.

Reaching the stand, I greeted the kind man and paid the amount of money that is owed and picked up the wooden toy gun. The game was to shoot the cut-out hogs that pop up. If you hit five, then you get a stuffed animal. But if you hit ten, then you can get two. Judging from how many he has hanging up.... Yeah, I can see why it was easy to get one. There's practically like 40 up there.

And so, I got the five easily, but after the 7th one, the speed of the hogs had gone up faster. Of course it wasn't going to be easy.

And when I could only get seven, I asked to get a lion and had to be on my way. I had one shot to do that game, but... Something tells me that the game was a piece of the puzzle I had to figure out. The list was actually some sort of code!

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