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Today was another day. A few days had gone by and we have been trying to help Moona recover any memories in the area. Sadly, she couldn't remember anything from the trips. Beaches, shops, the city, hotels, or even food... Nothing sparked anything within in her head.

As much as we wanted to help her, we found ourselves going nowhere with this. We figured that rather than places, she probably had met other people before she was found in that crater.  But as it has been some days without any luck for places, we didn't want to stress ourselves out over this stuff, so it's best if we postpone the search for now.

Other than helping Moona, we still have to figure out what to do for Fubuki's and Kurokami's separation.

"A magic body... Maybe something that can represent a human body? Like something of a homuculus?" My thoughts being said outloud had grabbed the attention the attention of who I was walking in the city with.

"Uh, Haru? You're speaking out loud again." Kiara, who was holding a large brown bag in her hand, had raised her brow at me.

"Oh, sorry about that. Just thinking about what Rushia said to me." I let out a light chuckle due to being caught. It was a bit embarrassing to still say your thoughts out to someone close by.

"Is this about Kurokami? I know that Rushia is okay right now, but I'm worried that she might overdo it again. She might even do some permanent damage to herself!" She was indeed correct. Rushia had been okay for the past few days, but I'm also worried that creating something like a magical body could hurt her reserves. If someone was really low on them, could they actually die?

"Yeah, I am too. Do you think separating the Fubukis' is a good idea?" There could be risks to this plan of ours. If they're happy as they are now, and they don't want to take it, then I won't do it. They deserve to decide what they want to do.

"Hmm, let's ask them when we get back! We can have Rushia talk to them directly, too!" Well, that's something rather than wrapping our heads around this. I guess I should follow what Kiara thinks....

"Okay. By the way, are you sure that this won't look suspicious to anyone there?" Kiara waved her hand at me to dismiss my worries.

"Oh, you worry too much, Haru! There's nothing suspicious about anything that we're doing right now. People do this all the time." The place we were heading to was a worry in itself, but I'm worried that Kiara might be looked at weirdly when we do what we have to do today.

People aren't looking at us suspiciously while we're walking around in the city of course, but there's no way people wouldn't find Kiara... weird. Other than her hair that could just be brushed off as some color dye or whatever, the bag she was holding was not to be taken lightly.

It was gold.

And we were heading straight to the jewelry shop to turn this stuff in for Houshou-san's problem of not having a place to live at the moment. No, rather, she's not living in our place for the moment until she gets her men from her crew a place to live at. While they don't have a place to live fully, they make do with what they have in that destroyed ship of theirs. I wouldn't know how their doing that, though.

Before I knew it, we arrived at our destination. We were going to enter before Kiara put her hand in front of me. I was confused, to say at the very least.

"Trust me, you don't want to know how boring or confusing it's going to be when I give them this gold. It's best if I go about this alone, okay?" I raised my brow at this.

"And if they find you suspicious?" She gave me an assured grin.

"I have my ways. Just wait out here for a bit." I shrugged my shoulders and obliged. Either I wait inside or outside and be bored. I probably chose the less evil out of both choices.

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