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Within the same day, Fubu-chan apologized for the behavior of Kuro-san to all of us, to which we weren't really bothered about. A few tears were shed between Fubu-chan and Mio-chan, and everything went well for that day.

Well, besides Amelia-chan still might be burdening herself some more, and Gura-chan wanting her to open herself some more...

Everything seems to be good.

Which really isn't.

It doesn't matter if I have good or great days, something always tend to mess with me within the same or next day. And I have a feeling that it's going to be right now.

"What do you want?" Standing behind a tree as she closed her bento box, Rushia-chan glared at me.

Yeah, I'm the one that's asking for danger.

"To get to the point, I need your help with something." To this, she lifted an eyebrow.

"Not that I am willing to help, but what exactly do you need help with that you're asking a necromancer for assistance? I'm not resurrecting someone for you, just so you know."

"Shouldn't you be showing some more pride for this kind of thing? Like "of course you would ask an excellent necromancer-""

"I'm getting bored already. What. Do. You. Want? " Her glare deepened, making me gulp in anxiety.

"...You said that not only your father had been sacrificed for my life, but so many others as well. If you want to have a chance to let those souls rest from me, know is the chance to do so." For a second, her eyes widened a bit, but they quickly narrowed.

"...You would risk your life for the souls of those within you? No, I shouldn't even ask something like that. You're stupid enough to approach me, so I can see that as one of your strengths. But before I do so, I need you to meet someone. Since it's you, you should be able to help her." Sighing, she walked to me before pointing a finger at me.

"Don't think that this will make a difference. I don't care if you're a good person or not, I'm going to have my revenge for what your father has done." Her finger tapped my head and I started to fall backwards.

I watched her disinterested eyes watch me fall back, but she had suddenly disappeared from my view and I didn't feel the grass below me.

Instead, I felt that I had fallen on a pile of leaves as I stared up at the skyscraper-sized trees that bloomed above me. Was I in a forest?

Before another thought as to where I was crossed my mind, a sparkle of blue light flew past my face. Before I knew it, the sparkle continued to do this repeated cycle over and over again.

Whatever it was, I'm sure it wanted me to follow wherever it was going. And taking my first few steps, I followed the weird light.

Funnily enough, when this whole fiasco started, I never wanted to follow something that was strange or suspicious. I guess over time, I became either more trusting to these things, or I became more dumber.

While I continues to follow the light, I looked around my surroundings to find out that I was not in any forest. This place had to be magical.

Fairies, bears, wolves, foxes... some of these animals looked different with their longer ears and different fur color to them, but what was odd was that they all avoided me.

By the time I saw them, they scattered away.

But other than the animals, the green leaves that I was used to was now a bluish color that lit up around us.

I don't k ow where Rushia-chan sent me, but I would be lying if I said this place was creepy. It felt more peaceful and beautiful than that.

After slamming into something because of my lack of attention in front of me, I looked straight to see...

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