A Trap Worth the Risk?

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Sorry, heart hasn't been in it for some time now. 

As soon as I got that information, I was heading straight back to the house. Of course she wanted me to go alone, that's what she wanted me to do. I don't know if this was some elaborate setup, but I wasn't taking chances there.

Although, it was worth finding out that she can do something with the cameras. Which makes me question what she was going to do with them in the first place. Analyze them? For what reason, she already knows about my abilities.

But not all of them...

Before I contemplated some more, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Someone was calling me. Let's just hope that it's that damn Amelia.

"Hello?" I was pretty nonchalant, thinking that it was the other Amelia calling me. I didn't bother to check who always actually calling me and that was a mistake.

"Haru! Are you out of your mind?! Why didn't you ask one of us to go with you?!" Mio's voice was not who I was expecting. But I should've expected her to do so after what I did.

"Mio, I... I didn't want any one of you to get hurt. I know we spoke about this before, but after all that's happened, I can't help it." I was expecting her to cut me off at a point, but she instead listened and was patient.

"You can't just... Remember that your life is tied with Mumei's, so decisions like these have to be thought out more! But... I already know how long you think, so... Just tell us what you found okay?"

"...Right. I'm sorry."

"I know you are. I'll go gather everyone." With that, the call ended. I didn't weigh the outcome of how much this would affect Mio. If she's upset with me, then she has every right to be. Including everyone else. This was a dangerous gamble that went... okay for now.

As much as I didn't want anyone involved again, I'm tied to someone's life. Relying on everyone would help, but what happens when it gets to a situation like going against Mumei?


And I have Chaos to worry about too.

When push comes to shove, what would I do if someone's death was something I could prevent again?


"Definitely a trap. This couldn't be any more of a red flag to show you that she can't be trusted." Sakamata-san was the first to speak her mind.

"I agree, it was bad enough to go there alone, Haru-san, but it's like night and day for how obvious this is~!" Hakui-san was next to speak as she crossed her legs in her seat.

"As much as I don't want to agree with potential threats, they are speaking facts right now, Haru. It was pretty stupid to go out without telling one of us." Coco said from across the table from the X group. Some had decided to stay away from them as they think that they are traitors.

"Okay, can we go a few seconds without saying how dumb my decisions are?" I expected the hostility, but I was not prepared for them.

"Sorry, but if you do something stupid, then we're calling you stupid, stupid!" Gura looked like she was having a bit of fun with the name calling I see...

I don't even need to glance at Mio and Kurokami to see their disappointment.

"Stupid! Stupid Haru!" Laplus... How old are you, five?

"I think that's enough name calling and slight jabs at us. Luckily, I had finished my investigation and came to the conclusion that none of us are traitors." All eyes had been brought to Lui-san as she brought out the same envelope that once held the invitation to that party Kiara went to.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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