Your Second Chance.

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With that fun day ending with Mio and Fubuki, I thought that today, the very next day, as the day where I spoke to Mumei.

The time spent with Mio and Fubuki had brought me some confidence to finally speak to her and no longer be unsure anymore. While I still didn't know how to approach her, I think just going there and just talk would be the best approach. Not going there with a plan was definitely a signature to getting her angry, but would she even attack me? She kills me, she kills herself.

But what if she doesn't care about her own life?

Hmm, considering that this place is still in one piece, it makes me believe that she cares a little bit of her own life.

Out of nowhere, as I came from out of my room, I accidentally bumped into someone, making us both back up a bit.

"A-Ah, sorry." I was able to see a light shade of purple hair on the person I bumped into. She wore a black hoodie over her head, a mouth mask, some bags, had some glasses on, and wore some shorts. There was only one person here that had that shade of purple...

"You're... Moona, right? Sorry, I didn't recognize you there. Why are you... Why uh... Why are you walking around with that stuff on?" I let out a light chuckle to possibly start some funny small talk, but by the look of her face, which was a bit conflicted before speaking.

"I... I'm a little..." Before she could get out her sentence, a certain white-haired girl oni girl popped up from out of nowhere. Straight from out of the floor board. Wait the-

"Yo-dayo~! She was scared of people because she's got amnesia! Can you believe it, because this is the first time I've seen this!" Moona was a bit bothered by Ayame's words that her expression saddened a bit. I sighed as it did come a little bit rude to her.

"Ayame, having amnesia isn't to be taken lightly. Forgetting who you were, forgetting the family and friends you have... It's something that no one should have to go through."

Kiara was one of such cases.

"A-Ah! I'm sorry! Please forgive me! Please don't tell Mio, Haru!" She was bowing rather quickly... making me believe that she fears Mio a bit. I mean, Mio was one to make sure that her point came across to those being unhealthy or inconsiderate to others. Well, I guess that leaves Fubuki, Pekora, and Ayame to be afraid of Mio's lectures now...

"Just as long as you understand and don't do it again, then it's fine. Now then, Moona, can you please explain why you were outside today? I thought you were still feeling a bit unwell today." As it was in the early afternoon, I had heard from Kiara that Moona wasn't feeling too good, so she wanted to stay in bed today.

"I... Wanted to buy some new clothes..." Hmm, I suppose that being stuck with the same outfit we found her in would eventually make her want to get some new ones...

"We could've just gone out and bought some for you. How did you even get the money to begin with?"

"Hahaha..." My question was basically answered by Ayame, who seemed to be nervously chuckling for some reason. I had the urge to sigh at the moment.

"Ayame... What did you do?" As I waited for my answer, an unexpected voice had brought my attention to them.

"Well, well, I didn't expect Haru and our mysterious stranger to be out at this time. What is the special occasion, I wonder..." Coming from out of a room that I hadn't really entered all that much came another girl with a darker shade of purple hair and some comfortable house clothes; Ina.

"Oh, Ina. I almost forgot that you're also here, too." Dramatically, she made it as if she lost feelings in her legs and had to lean on the nearest wall for support. Doing some fake coughing, she slowly got back to standing straight.

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