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Gentle wind blew through two individuals. One small and one tall stood at the edge of a mountain, with one taking in the scenary, and the other took interest in the device in their hand.

"Hey, when do you think we'll be able to see the 'Kingdom'? It's been a few years since we started it, right?" The small one, who was focused on his game, asked with a bored demeanor.

"It won't be a long time. You said it yourself; "Things this big takes a huge amount of time. Whether or not we question when it will happen, we must finish it." How can you not remember your own words?" The tall one nudged his friend, who in turn gave him an annoyed look.

"I didn't forget it, I was just asking for your opinion as to when you think it'll be done."

"Right... You sure you didn't forget?"

"Yes, I'm sure."


Suddenly, out of thin air, the tall individual had summoned an pulsating orb. The small individual, who had been busy playing his hand-held game, found that specific object to be more important.

"It's still small. To think that a few years would only get us this far..."

"You seem more impatient all of a sudden. What's going on through your head right now?" The small individual sighed before answering.

"I feel as though something bad will happen soon. The 'Kingdom' is the salvation that the people need to become safer in this world. If not... then the world would devour them, soon making them devour themselves." The tall individual could only pat his smaller friend's head.

"Don't worry, there will be a time where the world will become safer for everyone to live and be happy with one another. Remember, we focused on this path because the people need protection. And... we need to make sure we make this right before the Redacted makes their move."

"Tch. They believe that the world itself needs protection from the people. What a bunch of dumbasses they are."

Just then, both of their heads had jolted forward, sensing something amiss in the wind. Whatever it was, it made both of the individuals tense up. However, the only one that was able to crack a grin from this was the small individual.

"Looks like we might need to postpone our little project right now."


"Haru-kun?" To my right, I looked up to see Shinzo-senpai looking down at me with his usual charming smile.

"Hm? Something happened?" I must've dozed off to not notice that class had just finished. I've never felt my brain become so empty before...

"It's lunch time, so you ready to eat something?"

"Yeah, luckily enough, Mio-I mean, my friend had made me lunch-"

"Wait, wait, why did you just do that? If you were talking about a friend, you would just say their name... Unless~!" A grin appeared on the man's face.

"W-Whatever you're thinking of, it's not what you think!"

Wait, is there a problem telling Shinzo-senpai that I'm... currently in a relationship? I mean, I don't think I'll be able to hide it from him forever...

I mustered the courage to speak out my next few words.

"I... Um, I am... currently going out with someone..." The last part had been whispered a bit, but... I don't think I would have to worry about him not hearing me.

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