Was It My Fault?

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(To make this a bit shorter, I had to change the POV again. I'm sorry, school is taking a toll on me. I will try my best to continue these out according to schedule. As for the Q and A, I kindly ask you all to wait for me just a bit.)

Ookami Mio opened her eyes and immediately felt in her head. She didn't make any sudden movements, but upon grunting a bit and trying to sit up, a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"Fu...Fubuki-chan?" A small smile greeted her from the white-haired fox girl. Fubuki was happy to see a response from the girl who laid on the bed for some time now.

"Mio-chan...You're awake!" She had grabbed Mio unconsciously before, but now, she hugged the girl on the bed, causing Mio to lightly laugh.

"Fubuki-chan... everything hurts right now. Could you please get off of me?" Fubuki immediately got up and wiped her teary eyes.

"I thought... I thought... When I found you, I thought....!" Mio did her best to give the crying girl a reassuring smile.

"I'm fine, Fubuki. Where's... Where's Haru-kun?" Her focused went to the missing male that she loved dearly.

"I thought.... he was with you. He wasn't around when I found you." Fubuki noticed the color of Mio's face became pale now. Her eyes were widened as if she just realized something.

"Mio-chan? What's wrong?" Fubuki became far too concerned that she placed her hand on Mio's hand and held it tightly.

"Haru... We have to find him!" Mio began to rush out of bed and run to the door.

"Mio-chan, wait!" Before Mio could leave, she stopped suddenly with one of her hands on the door handle and the other clenching her stomach.

"You haven't fully recovered, yet so lay back down!" Mio was struggling internally to open the door with the pain, but Fubuki, while being a bit gentle, directed her to the bed and sat her down.

"I... I wasn't strong enough to protect him..." Mio's ears drooped, making Fubuki flinch.

"Who was it that hurt you? And what happened to Haru-kun? Why didn't you call us onto to help you, Mio-chan?!" Mio internally cursed, hating that she really should have called others to help her out before investigating the area.

And because of that, Haru was taken away by someone... too strong for her.

"It... It wouldn't... I'm sorry." She remembered feeling her anger at the time; uncontrollable and frightening.

"My anger got the best of me and I... I couldn't stop myself."

"Mio-chan, I told you not to use that form too much! Do you not understand what it's doing to you?!" Mio clenched her teeth, but bit her lip. She could not afford to direct her uncontrolled anger at the girl she vowed to protect as well.

Not again.

"Are you going to have to-" Before Fubuki could finish her sentence, her phone began to ring. Upon taking it out, she read out loud that it was Kiara calling her. She was too focused on disciplining Mio, that she didn't want to take the call. But before she swiped to cancel...

Rushia Uraha.

Fubuki's eyes narrowed, knowing that something wasn't right. Rushia calling her didn't tell her good news. She never calls anyone to talk to. Whatever the problem was, it sure wasn't good.

"Mio-chan, I'll be right back. Stay here and relax a bit more." She walked to the door, twisting the handle before stopping.

"Please..." And with that, she opened the door and left, leaving Mio to her own thoughts.

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