Chapter Sixty

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The morning sun sent bristles of light into the window where Grandpa Sam rested peacefully on his porch steps, staring out into his backyard. A steaming cup of chamomile tea was nestled in his palm, letting the vapor rise up and fill his nose to bask in the savoring sent. His light eyes appeared illuminated from the sunlight peeking through the underbrush above as he watched Aspen sit on a purple blanket with her leg crossed. Her chest heaved steadily with focused breaths, her mind lulling in relaxation. She concentrates on how the warmth sunk into her skin like the sun was pouring its warm nectar, how the light danced under her eyelids like fairies, the sound of wind scattering amongst the trees around her. Today's practice was to listen to where the wind guides her and how to locate. All her senses were to be used during this lesson, and concentration was essential. 

Aspen had kept her promise to practice control even when Grandpa Sam wasn't around. She hasn't seen him as often as she would have liked. She was either running around town with her friends hunting supernaturals, or he was off to bed early due to headaches. With his Alzheimers progressing more and more each day, Aspen found it harder to look at him knowing there would come a time when he would barely recognize her. But seeing him like this, in a calm, tranquil element, brought a smile to her lips.

"Eyes closed," he warned softly with a tilt of his head.

Aspen was too distracted staring at her sweet grandfather to even realize he was staring at her for the past five minutes. But once she closed her eyes, she marked a plastic bag with a transparent covering seated by his leg, bits of chocolate delight placed inside. She had never seen that snack in any of her pantries, and curiosity drew in her brows as she looked back at her grandfather, who was now wearing a devious smirk to her notice.

"There was an incident at the supermarket today," he said in his deep voice, his words coming out honeyed.

"Yeah...." Aspen said, slowly nodding her head with a smile peeking from her lips that she couldn't hide.

"Well, you see," he began, adjusting his navy beanie on his head and picked up the bag to set in his lap, already devouring the snack with his eyes, "The lady in front of me got confused where the little spacer bar was and um...."


"These slipped over to my side."

A humored snort escaped Aspen's mouth that she quickly covered with her hand when she proceeded to laugh at her grandfather's story. "So you stole that chocolate?"

Grandpa Sam looked almost offended and shook his head, but the smirk never left his lips. as if he was proud of his shopping day. "Well... not technically," he said, lifting his hands slightly and tilted it side to side.

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