Chapter eighteen

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Groaning, I tiredly shut the door after a two hour training with Evelyn. Ever since my mum and I visited her, she decided it will be better to start my training as soon as possible, but unfortunately she won't be able to help me train much longer.

Her second daughter, am not yet sure what her name is, is going to train me. She is much older than Mellisa which resulted in me asking why she wasn't the pack witch. But, Evelyn shrugged it off, saying she wasn't interested in being the pack witch.

I looked around the house, checking if Nathan is around or not. But later confirmed that he wasn't. He is probably at the pack house.

We moved here two days ago. The cabin is, I must say, very nice and comfortable. It's a three room apartment-like-cabin. Nathan refused to share a room with me, so we sleep in separate rooms.

His room is opposite mine, right across the hall. The whole cabin was painted white, with blue azure mosaic floor tile. It had such a good ventilating air space. The kitchen was not big but surely cozy, it already entailed all the kitchen equipment and utensils.

Picking my phone up, I dialed Nathan's number. After hearing it ring for quite a while, he picked it up. We've become rather close, at least closer than the way we were before.

I rested the phone in between my jaw and shoulder as I spoke. "I'm back from Evelyn's and am about to prepare lunch. What do you wanna have?" I asked, walking around the kitchen. I am clearly not used to it.

He sighed, obviously out of fatigue. "I don't want anything, Lizzy. I already had lunch made by one of the pack members." He answered, spoiling my mood.


He cut the call and I lost my appetite completely. He could have just asked me to bring it to his office but not eat it. It would have been better than just rejecting my polite offer. Easy would it have been accepting the fact the he won't eat but he should have at least refused politely.

Oh! I keep forgetting.

We are not the regular, lovey dovey type of mates. Our relationship is very complicated and sophisticated. He is not rejecting me or accepting the bond. And he most definitely isn't confused about it, he pretty much knows what he is doing.

Wait, what is he doing?

Okay, I admit, I have no idea what on earth he is doing. But what he is doing ain't gonna benefit anyone one of us and it's getting very frustrating.

I heard a knock on the door, shutting me out of my unnerving state. "Coming!" I yelled.

Walking over to the door, I opened it. Natalya walked in before I could invite her in. "I did a great job here, don't you think. I mean look at this place," She said, admiring her 'amazing' work of decor in the living room.

I rolled my eyes at her. I would have decorated it myself but she just had to show me her talent. Amelia and Dylan went to visit her mother in the neighbouring pack yesterday. Amelia's father used to be  the best pack warrior back when he was alive but now he is dead, leaving her mother alone in the pack.

She's only gone for a day and I already miss her.

The sudden sneeze that came out of Natalya's tiny nose made me to look at her. "There is someone at the pack house waiting impatiently for you," She apprized me, staring intently at me.

"Who is it?" I couldn't wait to know.

She nodded her head, trying to show that she has no idea who the person is. "I have no idea. But she is a female," She admitted, furrowing her well shaped brows.

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