Chapter twenty-four

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Heyya guys....
So like this story is filled with alot of mistakes but as soon as I'm done, I will begin with the editing. But for now, enjoy..........

The immediate moment I left the forest, I went to the pack house straight after casting a spell to make my face look the normal way. I don't want this pack to judge me according to the way they see me. Exactly what they did to Melissa.

I must say Noah memorized his lines perfectly. Not a single word came out in the wrong manner. To think Lizelle fell for our trick and believed everything with just a few fake tears. Noah did kill his mate but we had to make Lizelle think otherwise so as not to suspect anything. In case if Noah and I are caught talking to each other.

This whole plan was made by me and I am so enjoying this. Mother should have made me the next pack witch since I was the older one but no she solely believed that Melissa had the looks and attributes in her to be the next pack witch.

Throughout our childhood, I have always felt inferior to Melissa although it should be the opposite. She was younger but looked and proved to be the better sibling. Mother had been convinced by the Coven witches to make Melissa the next pack witch and I, as the obedient daughter obeyed and listened to whatever I was being told without a single argument.

After being treated that way, I left the Coven and made sure to ever come back there again. No one bothered to ask how I was fairing even though we could communicate telepathically. They instead cut off my link from the Coven and made sure I could never get it back.

The only person that kept in touch with me was mother and that's because she felt it was her duty as a mother. When she asked for my help to train Lizelle, I knew it was an opportunity for me because I could finally get my revenge on Melissa's so called pack.

And it turns out that I wasn't the only one out to get them. Noah and I met on the day of that war that took place a few weeks ago. He was trying to escape the pack and I was coming back from the city when I saw him escaping the pack borders.

Since I was faking to be on Lizelle's team, I knew I had to stop him so I casted a spell on him and tied him to a tree. He told me to spare him and he will grant me anything I want in return. And so I told him that when his pack is back in action that I would need their help to destroy Blood moon pack.

He then confessed that he also want their destruction very badly and from then we teamed up and brought my plan to action. The first being gaining Lizelle's trust which I would say is 'check'. She trusts me completely now.
The main reason for training Lizelle is for her to use her powers and help us win the battle.

After teaching her all the good spells, I began to teach her the bad spells. The spells that will do the opposite of what she wants. So if she wants to cast a spell on Noah's pack members, it would fall onto one if Nathan's pack members. Easy peasy.

Everyone was busy when I entered the pack house so no one noticed me sneaking into my room. After showering, I changed into a sundress that fell above my knee and flats. I left my hair wet and went to Lizelle's house. I need to clear whatever misunderstanding she had of me and Noah. I don't want her to find anything suspicious.

I didn't bother to know because I was used to entering her house without knocking. When I didn't find anyone in the sitting room, I went upstairs to their room and no one was there. A few seconds later, I heard something from Nathan's office.

I went there to check. When I got there, I opened the door to see the both of them making out. Eww. I closed the door back and did the right thing. I knocked on the door carefully.
It wasn't until after two minutes that they opened the door.

Lizelle appeared behind the door with  a swollen lips. She then turned and waved back at Nathan  before pulling my hand to her room. She opened it and I gasped due to what I saw.

A mark on her neck.

Nathan has marked her. That's going to activate her werewolf senses which will somehow hinder her witch powers. Thanks so much Nathan, for ruining our plans.

"You will not believe Nathan marked me. I'm so excited." She said jolting me awake from my thoughts.

"I know. I saw the mark. It's do beautiful." I faked happiness.

Gosh, pretence is not easy.

"It all happened so fast that I didn't even realize it was happening. One minute we're  hugging and the next we're........" She didn't get to finish because I interrupted her.

"I don't think I want to know what on earth happened between you two because I'm sure it must have been private." I said emphasizing on the word private.

"Sorry. It's just I'm so happy and excited." She continued to gush.

If I wasn't after her destruction, I would have blown my cover myself a long time ago. But everything works with patience, I guess.

"That reminds me what has brought you here in the first place? Not to sound rude or anything." She asked, brushing her hair with her slender fingers

"I wanted to talk about Noah. I didn't really mean for you to find out that way........"

"Is that what you wanted to tell me this morning when you looked so disturbed?" She asked looking at me with such pitiful look.

Very soon, I'm gonna be the one looking at her that way.

"Yes. But listen Lizelle, I don't plan on accepting him because he is your enemy. And because I am still not sure about Stefan." I said, looking sad.

"I understand you, Gwen. I truly do."

No you don't.

"But you must understand that the safe of the pack comes first. I'm not saying you should reject Noah but you should still consider the consequences of your decision." She said, tapping my shoulder gently.

I fake a smile. "I know and I will choose the suitable option. There isn't going to be training tomorrow because I've got a date with Stefan." I said trying to fake happiness.

"Really? Can I please help you get ready?" She asked, with a very big smile.

"Of course you can."


When I entered my room back in the pack house, I hastily went to the bathroom and vomited what I had eaten at Lizelle's house. It's not that the food is bad, I just don't want to have anything to do with her. I just have to keep on pretending until this whole charade is over.

I was met by roses and chocolate bars on my bed. Stefan. But I truly don't like him. Infact, I despise him. He is only a pawn in my game of revenge and as soon as this is all over with, I am going to get rid of him quickly.

He shouldn't have even been in the picture in the first place but he came to talk to me first and I couldn't just ignore him, it would have looked suspicious especially since he is a warrior. They suspect people very easily.

After showering, I changed into my night gown and lay down on my bed, thinking. Why couldn't mother just have done things the usual normal way. Making the eldest the pack witch.  But no she prefers hard work and dedication. Beauty inclusive.

As I closed my eyes, Lizelle's face appeared in my head. She was too innocent to be involved in this whole shit. But since she is already involved, there is no going back now.

I will do anything in my power to get my revenge even if I have to use black magic...... the most powerful and dangerous magic ever to have exist.

I'm so sorry for the late update. But I've updated.
And oh my God. My story just hit 1k reads. Like thank you guys so much for it. I don't even know what to say. But thanks. I really appreciate it.

    I bet no one was expecting Gwenyth's point of view. Oh and for those who don't remember, Gwenyth is Gwen, Lizelle's witch trainer.

     Until then. Bye guys.
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