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He held me, there on the bathroom floor, for what felt like hours. My clothes were soaked underneath the towel, my hair too. I was freezing. But through the thin towel and warmth of his arms, he did his best to keep me from shivering.

"You're okay.. it's all okay now.. he's gone.."

"I-I ... I can still feel it.."

"I know.. what do you say we get up and you can wash your face properly - not too hard, please - and I'll get you some dry clothes.."

"I don't.. I don't want you to let go.. I need you to.. to stay.."

"Okay.. that's okay.. whatever you need, I'll do.."

"Don't let go.." I sniffled, my voice shaking

"I won't.. I won't let go, I promise.."

It was pathetic, yes. I'm fully aware. But quite frankly, I was terrified. That man was in my house. And there was nothing I could do to stop him. He put his hands on me. He grabbed me, not even Connor could get him away.
I can't stop thinking about what could have happened if Connor didn't come downstairs when he did. If it were just me and Steven down there. What if he had hurt me? He could've killed me if he wanted to. With ease, he could've killed me. Or worse. He could've done things that are, in my opinion, far worse. He has it in him. I know he does. I've seen it. And he was in my house. With his hands on me.

It was another hour there on the bathroom floor before I finally felt secure enough to get up. Before I finally put a stop to my crying.

"..Y-You're sure he's gone..?" I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes

"I'm sure, Baby.."

"h-he can't come back..?"

"No, he won't be back.. I promise you that.. I've taken care of it.. don't you worry about a thing. You're safe now."

"How do you know..?"

"...I called the police."


"I know the police make you nervous, Sweetheart.. I don't like them either, not one bit, Not since I saw how..all but one of them treated my brother. I don't like them either.. but I know that was the only way Steve would back off.. they're just going to drive by the house a few times, make sure everything's okay.. I made sure to tell them not to come up unless something's wrong.. and i told them all about you, what you needed.. it's all going to be okay.. trust me, the police are a last resort.. you won't even hear from them. They're just going to drive past to make sure Steve doesn't come back... okay?"

"...I don't like it, I-I don't like.."

"I know.. and that's perfectly reasonable. I don't like it, either.. but I have to do what I think is best for this situation. And Steve's only going to listen to someone who can... give him some repercussions.. it's going to be okay... can I at least get you into some dry clothes?" He offered again, rubbing my back over the slightly damp towel

With a deep breath in and a heavy sigh out, I nodded.

"Attaboy.. here we go.." he pulled me up by the shoulders, holding me steady "I'm gonna go get you some clothes, okay? Why don't you wash your face properly? You'll feel better.."

"Mhm.. yeah.. yeah, I can do that.." I rubbed my eyes dry

"Good.. not too rough. Just a wash, don't scrub too hard.. you always have a tendency to scrub until there's nothing left.. I'll be back in a minute. Go easy on yourself."


"Good boy.. I love you." He parted with a kiss on the head, not even leaving the time for me to tell him I love him, too.

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