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Connor stayed only for about ten minutes before he left again for class. But it was nice. It was nice to have things figured out, it was nice to have him back here. As upset as I got the other night, I still missed him. I love him. I'm going to miss him even if I'm mad. And I miss him especially when I'm not mad.

I spent all day just waiting for him to come home for dinner. He's bringing Cuban tonight. He didn't specify what, just 'Cuban'. It's not like I would know what to order anyways. I let him order for me. He knows what I don't like, and he certainly knows better than I do what to order there.

It was wrong of me to get so mad at Connor last night. I just... I've never been in a fight before, not in a relationship fight. I don't know how to handle these things, I don't know how to do it. But I can't keep blaming my sheltered life forever. One day I'm going to have to grow up and learn how to have adult relationships, learn how to communicate and function with another human being. It just... scares me.

"Kev! I'm home!" Connor called sweetly through the door, no knock proceeding

I rushed to open the door, like a dog greeting its owner. In both hands he held large, overstuffed bags of takeout, prohibiting him from knocking. I took his bags and waved him in, impatiently awaiting my routinely given kiss hello.

"How was class?" I set his bags down on the counter, giving them a once-over with an antibacterial wipe.

"It was fine.. I'm exhausted, though.. my professor keeps giving me shit"


"Because I'm the age and size of a Kindergartener."

"I don't know many 6'2" kindergarteners..
Y-You're hardly younger than the rest of them.. it's not your fault you're a child genius"

"I wouldn't go that far. I completed my credits early, I didn't invent the polio vaccine."

"He's just trying to get under your skin.. you can't let him."

"I know that, it's just... it's frustrating."

"Yes, well you can't let him affect you. You're going to be a doctor... the best darn doctor at that hospital. Whether he likes it or not.."

"Someone's feisty today" he chuckled slightly, closing the front door behind him.

"You're a good student, you don't deserve any grief.."

"Well thank you.. you're very sweet" he popped a kiss on my lips

It's true. He is a good student. He's incredibly smart. It's not a coincidence that he's there, younger than the rest of them. He's smart as hell.

"Do you want to pick a movie? I can get the food ready.."

"Sure thing. Any preferences?"

"Whatever you like."

He went off to the living room to find us a movie, where I met him five minutes later, handing off a plate.


"Of course... what are we watching?" I sat down beside him

"Have you ever seen God's Own Country?"

"No, what's that?"

"It's.. sort of a romance. But a good one. Not cheesy like the others, it's really good.."


"...Okay" he smiled, pressing play, still seeming rather nervous and I couldn't for the life of me tell you why.
But, I curled up to him, plate of food in hand, and watched as the film began.

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