Kick Me

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"So, Connor, what are you planning to turn your focus to?"

"I'm in between a few things.. Internal medicine, and I was highly considering becoming an ob/gyn, and of course pediatrics, I absolutely love kids, the idea of being there throughout the whole process, you know..? Give people that news, watch their family grow.. then one day, provide care for that child I've known since they were the size of a cherry.. that just seems so beautiful.."


", I'm a homosexual, which is a perfect candidate for gynecologists, they'll know I'm not just a creep." He chuckled slightly, throwing back his water as if he were taking a shot, easing his own nerves

"That's true.. whenever I had a man, I was always worried"

"About what..?" i interjected, all-too-innocent to the realities of the situation

" many good guys as there are in the field that solely want to ensure the health of their patients and patient's child, there are a couple... not so good guys."

"Like.. bad at the job?"

"Uh.. one could say that.. do you know what that type of doctor does?"

"Vaguely.. ultrasounds, tests.. that sort of thing."

"Yes, they do, but another part of it involves.. the female reproductive system."

"Oh, okay.."

"So, as horrifying as it is, some guys will.. go into the field to be able to... take advantage of that aspect."


"Yeah... I mean, that's another reason why I want to go into that medical field, so there's one more safe person.. one more safe man to fill the staff spacing that could've been taken by someone with.. ulterior motives."

"People do that..?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"But that's disgusting..."

"I know.. and I didn't even ever consider that as something.. literally anyone could do to a person until I started school, and there were some... pretty gross guys. Luckily, they dropped, but it wad a shock just to hear that sort of thing in the first place, I mean, whose mind even works like that?"

"S-So people go through all that school just to... what? Be creeps?"


"...Adelaide, that's never happened to you, right?" I questioned, suddenly very defensive of her

"Not to my knowledge, no. There really isn't a way to know for sure. You just have to base it off the vibe you get from them."

"...A-After dinner can you give me the numbers of all your doctors?"


"I have to call them... make sure.."

"Oh, Sweetheart, it's okay. You don't have to do that.. I trust them all."

"Well I don't know them, I don't know if I trust them!"

"Kevin, it rarely happens. I'm perfectly alright.. it's not a big thing, it's just.. something we have to think about when we get a doctor."

"I don't like that.. You shouldn't have to do that- I don't like that" I began scratching at my wrist under the table

"Hey it's okay, Kevin, Honey.." Adelaide comforted as she slowly set her hand on my shoulder, giving my body the time it needed to react and adjust to the touch

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