Smoke On The Mirror

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Music blared loud enough to make anyone's ears ring. The room was dark, aside from the flashing lights. Steven couldn't even identify the man that nipped at his neck. Typically, he was the one doing that sort of thing. He likes to bite, to suck and pull at the skin. Connor doesn't like it. It hurts, he doesn't like the way it feels. He could've sworn blood was drawn once. But Steve doesn't let that stop him. He does what he wants, and if Connor doesn't like it, he just lets it happen. It's his job to please his man, so he just deals with it.

Though it's not like Steven ever makes adjustments for Connor. He doesn't give up anything he wants for Connor's enjoyment. Still, Connor couldn't get it out of his head that he will never get someone this good again. Steve's doing him a favor, just staying with him.

The nameless man pulled Steven into the bathroom, the poppers they'd both taken in effect.
Steven pushed the slim man onto his knees in the stall, rushing to unbuckle his belt.

He didn't come home until two in the morning. Connor laid in the bed they were sharing, just waiting the whole time.

"Where were you..?"

"It's none of your fucking business."

"You always say that. It's always 'none of my business" he sat up, eyes red and puffy from the irritation of tears

"Because it's not."

"..What's on your neck?"

"Nothing... I told you, it doesn't concern you." He got into the bed, beside him

" smell different."

"Damn it, Connor, are we going to play this stupid game every night!?" He growled

"... I'm sorry." Connor mumbled

"..What are you wearing?" He gestured to Connor's ill-fitting gray shirt and flannel pajama bottoms

"My pajamas.."

"I told you I don't like those"

"I know, I just.. They're comfortable"

"I'm not paying for you to be comfortable. Put on that robe I bought you, the nice red one."

"Do I have to?"

"Do you have any idea how much I paid for that ?"

"No, but, I didn't ask you to buy that.."

"Nine hundred dollars, Connor. I paid nine hundred dollars. So the least you can do is put that on and try to make yourself look pretty for me, okay?"

"..Okay." He pulled himself out of bed, stripping himself of his comfortable nightclothes, back facing his lover

He wrapped himself in the uncomfortably short silk robe that hardly covered his posterior.

"That's what I like to see.."

Connor turned back, covering his front with his hands, now noticing the slow trickle of dark blood that had begun to fall over Steven's upper lip

"...You're bleeding"


"Your nose is bleeding... Steve, what were you doing?"

"I told you, it's none of your fucking business" he wiped the blood on his hand

"You owe me an answer this time!"

"I was just at some stupid club! Dancing up on some guys who, unlike you, will actually make an effort to get me off!"

Connor's stomach twisted, although he already knew. He comes home smelling like martinis and colognes he doesn't wear, even his lips taste different. you'd have to be an idiot not to know. But that doesn't make it any easier to hear.

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