I Get Around

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"I'm coming!!" I called as I rushed to the door, throwing it open "Adelaide, hi!"

"Woah- hi there!" She laughed, taken aback by my unfamiliar and overwhelming energy "someone's in a good mood"

"I am.."

"You look different today.."

"Do I..?" I smiled to the ground, just trying not to let myself blush again. I get flustered very easily.

"Yeah.. I don't know, something in your face.."

"Well, I have been doing much better, lately..."

"Oh yeah?"


"How so?"

"I dunno, just.. better.....Connor and I had sex." I blurted out, immediately turning away to occupy myself with the dishes and pretend I hadn't let that information out.


"Would you like some toast?"

"No- Kevin, did you say you slept with Connor?"

"...a little."

"Wow... congratulations!"




"How was it?"

"What do you mean?"

"How are you doing with it? How are you feeling?" She inquired, sitting down at the kitchen island, abandoning the purpose for which she originally came

"Pretty good..."

"Was he good to you?"

"He was so good to me.. he took it really slow.. and he talked me through it... I don't know, I-I was hesitant to ask those questions, I didn't want to ruin the 'mood' or whatever.. but he walked me through it all.. it took a while to actually.. go all the way with it. But he told me everything he was going to do.. and when I said I was scared, he told me it was okay.. it was okay to be scared. That he was going to take care of me.. and if I didn't feel comfortable with any of it, he wouldn't do it.. he walked me through all of it. And he was patient. And he was sweet with me. He checked up on me a lot.. asked how I was doing.. he made me laugh. I-I didn't expect that, I didn't think I was going to be laughing, but.. he made me laugh. And it was nice.. it took some of the pressure off of doing everything perfectly.. it was nice."

"That's so wonderful to hear, Kevin.. I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks... and I know what protection means now!"

"Good.. did he... use it?"

I nodded

"Taught me how, too.."

"Good. And how are you feeling now? How are you dealing with it all?"

"...I'm doing surprisingly well. I'm not.. freaked out or anything. I mean, I'm a little hyper, I've got a little bit of extra anxiety built up, there.. but I'm happy. I feel good... he made me feel really safe.. I don't know, I don't think I'd be doing this well if it were anyone else.. but he didn't let me feel afraid. I knew I was okay.."

"I'm so happy for you, Kevvy..." she smiled, astonishingly comfortable with the subject "..now, how was he?"

"What do you mean..?"

"Was he any good?"

"Yeah, I told you, he was very nice to me.."

"No, I mean... did you enjoy it? Was he good?"

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